Still bugs

Hape, I definitely dont work for Lingq and not sure if i understand your problem fully BUT, You sound like you’re stuck on a loop and cant move forward. I can see how apostrophes not working properly can bother you but does it really prevent you that much from being able to use the system? Does it really matter if you lingq “s’appelait” or any other words with apostrophes more than once? Are you bothered that the statistics won’t be correct or something?

If i were studying french i would just lingq words with apostrophes more than once and just move on. French has alot of apostrophes but theres ALOT of words without them. Just keep going and dont let it bother you soo much. Work around the bugs and just accept it until they fix it. Lingq is a constant work in progress. People have similar problems in other languages. LIke in korean for example the system doesnt recognize if a “이” or “는” or “을” “를” ect… ect… is added to a word it doesnt change the definition of the word it means exactly the same thing. So i need to lingq the words multiple times. OR with the hundreds of different verb endings some of which all have the same meaning but have to lingq more than once… On the other hand , I havent had problems with the search functions for korean as I never use them.

The systems not perfect but its definitely more than usable you just cant let bugs get to you soo much.

oh and let me just add, Like you , I report alot of bugs / suggestions aswell. =p. I report bugs because i love the system and want it to improve. But you cant expect them to fix every single thing reported.
You might want to ask how others have been studying french and how they deal with your problem.

We are working on fixing this. Despite all the problems we seem to have generated our programmer is determined to put this issue to rest, and to restore all the previously functioning features at LingQ. I think we are close from what I hear.

Thank you for the detailed report Hape.

I am not studying French but I have no trouble with Italian where there are also words with apostrophes. I had a look in French In both Chrome and Firefox, French words with apostrohes appear highlighted in blue for me. As with many of these bugs, the problem is that they are only affecting some people. It seems to have something to do with how things are cached. I appreciate your frustrations and your patience.

Hape, looks like i misunderstood you’re problem.
It sounded like an other problem other languages have. which isn’t .
Please Ignore what i wrote above. =p

I finally edited the apostrophes in about 500 of my LingQs manually, now I seem to have no problems any more - no blue words in already finished lessons. Hope I can now return to my studies that I missed a lot for a few days…

My understanding is that this issue should have been resolved already. We have converted all apostrophes in the system.

This was not the case in the last hours. I had to change everything manually.

I don’t know if it was fixed, but I see words with apostrophes as ‘blue’ in lessons where I have clicked “I know all” previously.

That must have happened as a result of a change in the apostrophe character used in our system. This is a one time thing that should not happen to future LingQs containing apostrophes. I suggest you just ignore those words or mark them as known. The impact on your stats will be negligible.

The vocab search seems to work now.

But, there are still some minor bugs:

A few words are always blue in the text although they are LingQ-ed: like “s’agit”, “s’ils”…
And there is no possibility to mark them known, only temporarily, and after reloading the lesson they are blue again.

If you add on the vocab page an item with apostrophe that exists, the existing item will not show up, like other existing vocab items do.

Sorry, there is another (a bit more serious) bug in the CLOZE TEST.

If the correct answer contains an apostrophe, this answer is counted as WRONG.

See the following 2 snapshots from “Le Petit Prince” part 1.

Thanks, Hape. We are aware of this problem and will be uploading a fix shortly.

Are you still having trouble when adding LingQs with apostrophes that already exist? We’ve tried to reproduce these errors and haven’t been able to.

The problems do not exist anymore. Great! Thank you very much!