Significant Flashcard Upgrade

Thanks, Vera!

I love new flashcards! :slight_smile: very convenient and everything works perfectly (I’m using chrome). Great job! :slight_smile:

Hi Mark, overall it’s a nice update, but the card-flip effect is a killer on the eyes after more than a few cards!

Until a proper on/off switch is provided, this javascript hack will disable it. Load this into your URL field after the page has loaded:


@sleadlay - We agree. That effect will be removed.
@Aineko, @leie92 - I’m glad you like it!
@junair - we will try to add some small shortcut buttons for these functions.

I still see the “reverse/shuffle” point as a worsening. The “please do a lot of clicks” approach decrease the learning efficiency of flash cards. I need more time to go through my unknown word as before.

thanks Mark, sorry I add my last post before I read yours.

I should correct my statement to the effect that we can email each other these flash cards. At the top of the flash cards window it says that you can, but I think we can email them to ourselves. (Glupi Steve on durak)

I like most of the changes. Only because of one I am disagreeably surprised

  1. Flip the cards by clicking anywhere…

Really often when I was going through the old flashcards I was using an external English-Polish dictionary to play a recorded pronunciation of a word. To launch the dictionary and find there a proper word I simply click the Term word on an old flashcard.
Regrettably, now by the feature “clicking anywhere” you prevent me from using external software. From my point of view the feature is not a good solution.

regarding to “clicking anywhere” feature: if I want to use flash cards only with mouse I have to click anywhere for flipping and then move the mouse and hit “Oops” or “Got it”. Before upgrade I could hold the mouse pointer on the same place and thus be more concentrated on the learning words.

I just used them on iPad and I love it. I understand not everybody is thrilled but in my case it is an outstanding upgrade. As Steve said, with a top on the screen I can turn the card, edit it, move from 1 to 4 thus letting me concentrate on the words or phrases I am learning. Good job Mark!!!

Arenas, please go directly to this forum post and post your experiences with lingq on the iPad, if you don’t mind. I’m curious to hear how others like using LingQ with the iPad

@gregloby - that is too bad. Unfortunately, I think the majority benefit from this change and there isn’t much we can do there. We are considering the addition of pronunciation to the flashcards, though, which would solve your problem.
@junair - Yes, the flashcards won’t work exactly the same as they did before, however, using the new keyboard shortcuts you should be able to achieve the same effect plus you get the added benefits of all the improvements.

By reading this thread, it appears as if the world has ended…

Who knew that lingq flashcards held so much power…

I personally like the flash between cards… it gives a great feeling seizure… I’m drooling on my keyboard as we speak…

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to make a new thread or not, but I will leave this here

It seems that now the shuffle works a little differently than before. Before, it would go through the whole deck, but in a random order. Now, it’s possible to get the same card twice in a row (which I don’t want), or very close together. Am I explaining myself well? Meaning if I have 50 cards, if I shuffle and go through 50 cards, I will get some cards multiple times and some not at all.

I understand aybee77. We’ll look into that and see if we can’t make it like it was before. :slight_smile:

I’m sorry for my ignorance, but what is the practical application of status- 1,2,3,4?
How can it help in my learning of words?
And one question more: after linking, sometimes I realize that some words are unimportant for me(obsolate or rarely of use), but I can’t get rid of them, and the machine repeats and repeats them again in my flashcards.

1,2,3,4 represent how well you understand or feel you know a word. This will determine how often you will receive these in your “lingqs of the day” email.

If you move a word to 4, “known” you should not see it the next time you do the flash cards. You can also set your Flash Cards to remove cards after you “get it” twice.

This morning I took a closer look to the new flashcard system. I like it very much. But I figured out some small issues.

  1. The window is too wide. The width of the old flashcards was nicer.
  2. The second go wasn’t accurate. I think there is a problem with some internal counters in the program if you mark a word with “Ups!”.
  3. I like to use the keys. ENTER for “Got it!” is fine. Space bar for showing the hint and the phrase is fine too. But I’m used to put my right hand on Enter and my left thumb on the space bar. To use “X” for “Ups!” is uncomfortable. Perfect would be the “Q” in my opinion. Then I can put my left thumb on the space bar and my little finger on the “Q”. That would be very ergonomic.
  1. “Settings” and “Edit” should be shown on the same place when you see the blank flashcard and the flashcard with “Ups!” and “Got it!”. It is hard for the eyes that they changes their place.

@ Vera - 1) The window width issue when you click on your LingQs of the Day is going to be fixed. If you go to the flashcards from the lesson, vocabulary page, or Top 25, the width is fine.
2) We will check this
3) I’m sure everyone has their own key that be best for them. We have chosen “x” since it is handy and signifies a mistake. The key choices are not really up for debate… :wink:
4) We will look into that.