Shortcut keys stop working

I am using the latest version of chrome on both Windows 11 and a Levovo chromebook. In both environments the shortcut keys stop working after a few uses. I then have to do a refresh of the chrome tab. The shortcuts will then work again for a few times. I am constantly having to refresh the chrome tab to get the shortcuts working again. Does anyone have a solution?

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Same with Firefox but it can be fine for ages.

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Sorry to hear that. I am unable to reproduce the problem on my end (Chrome browser). I’ll keep looking into it and try to figure it out. Does all the shortcut keys stop responding?

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I am using the Opera Browser and sometimes the shortcuts just stop working. It appears quite random. In some cases only one word is affected (going to other words - the shortcuts work again, then going back to this particular word, the shortcuts don’t work).

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I have a related issue where the shortcuts stop working properly with caps lock (number keys and s+k+x). Starts working again when I press caps lock. You might have some completely different issue, but you could try and see if it works for you too

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It is happening constantly on both systems. Very random, sometimes it works for a little while other times I am constantly having to refresh. I use the shortcuts for backing up audio (alt-number key) a lot, they will work a few times and then just stop and the only way I get them working again is by doing a tab refresh.

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Thanks, I’ll look into that and try to find a way to reproduce the problem and report to our developers.

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I’m finding shortcut keys are erratic for marking vocabulary as 1 nthrough 5. Sometimes they work just fiine and sometimes they do nothing. Using website, firefox, Mac.


I’m having the same problem. the shortcuts (d, h, k…) work for a while, then they stop working. if i refresh the page they work for a while again, then they stop working again


Hey Zoran. I’ve found one way to reliably reproduce the problem. Click on a blue word and type in a new definition for it (clicking on a definition that’s already there won’t produce the problem/ you have to type a new one). After typing click enter to make it into a lingq. After that all the keyboard shortcuts will stop working.

I’m not sure if this is the only way it happens but it’s one way I’ve noticed today. You have to reload the page to make the shortcuts start working again.

Also the enter keyboard shortcut never works and gives an error message (reloading doesn’t help this). It’s been broken for a few days now. Maybe this bug is related to that one since they both involve pressing enter.


Thanks, we are looking into the “Enter” shortcut issue and we will have it fixed soon. That fix should also deal with other shortcut related problems you guys reported here.


yes, this happens to me as well. It’s very frustrating.

It happened to me that they came back once doing something but I don’t remember what it was.

I prefer to deal with one key “Enter” not working that with all shortcuts that make long hours studying miserable!

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Zoran. The enter shortcut problem that displayed the error message seems to be fixed now.

As for the the other shortcut problems, I’ve found another way to make the shortcut keys start working again without reloading the page. Maybe this can help the developers to figure out the problem.

First follow the directions from my above comment to make all the shortcut keys stop working. Then click on the text box where you typed in the definition so the cursor is flashing, ready to type again. Then click back out of it without typing anything. Now the keyboard shortcuts should be working again.

Hope that helps.


It works! Thank you very much. I hope they won’t change it again until they fix it!


This is still happening to me using Chrome. to the point that I just ignored it. I just got fed up again today so I posted a comment here.

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@joaquinsy What shortcut exactly doesn’t work for you?

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The same as described here, all of the shortcut keys will randomly stop working and I have to refresh the page. Thank you Zoran.

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I will report a small observation, not sure this is a bug per se. When I switch to a non-English language on my Mac, LingQ stops recognizing “x” key press as the shortcut (numeric shortcuts work fine). When I switch back to English, it starts working again.

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@joaquinsy Thanks, we will investigate the issue.

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I’m having the same issue. Shortcut keys will stop working and reloading the page or chrome won’t fix the problem. Anyone found a new solution? It’s so frustrating.

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