Rooster Master LingQ - The Ultimate LingQ Enhancement Tool

Thank you Rooster! And would you recommend using your plugins on Firefox? Seems like there are no ways of permanent install on Chrome as far as I can tell.


To answer for yours truly,
Chrome also supports permainstall. The Firefox Dev version however is more maintained, thus tends to have less bugs, supports more websites (Video Tools) and also has additional features not found in the Chrome version. None of them are that significant for the most part but the Firefox version is better.

Btw, join the discord for more questions:

Nice you like the tool :slight_smile:

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Hi Burton
I wanted to have the full Master Rooster Premium package. I have a life long Finnish Lingq package.
Could you please share me the discount code
I am a bit confused on where to send you the message @roosterburton
Kind Regards

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Hi @JoseJV

You can send me a message by clicking the image in the corner.


If you send proof of your LingQ Lifetime Finnish account i’ll send you the 50% discount.



I am sorry, I could not find the message button. Which view should I choose. I mean, how to reach the view on the snapshot @roosterburton



Maybe there is an issue on your forums view.

You can send me an e-mail at or join the discord channel.


Im going to buy this because it looks incredible and thank you for making it, but I was curious if there will there will ever be functionality with



Thanks for your comments

Short answer is yes and soon


Hi thanks, I did purchase, but setup is really confusing and kinda sucks. Im learning spanish, imported a spanish youtube video and it created a new language in lingq (english) and its importing spanish videos to english language. How do I fix it?

**Nevermind. That original menu pops back up when you refresh. Got it.

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The process can always be improved. Likely that your import language is set to English and not Spanish.

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