Richard Dawkins

@third… :I’m not a racist person and all those who are from my point of view are lower than scum.
@Colin: Julz said that ? Where did she because I couldn’t find that post ?

I have to say again that in the post with Tim Doner I only mentioned the fact that all those who imitate blindly what they see in the media are ‘animals’ and then I replaced it with something else .

(…) @third… :I’m not a racist person and all those who are from my point of view are lower than scum. (…)

I’m glad you are not racist. And I assume that you will argue along the lines that people cannot choose their skin colour but they “choose” their sexual orientation and that’s probably (I’m not sure though) why you think it is ok to think of gays as people who are worth less than heterosexuals.

Anyway, are you aware of the fact that slavery was justified by religious people with quotes from the Bible? Apparently, the Bible and similar “holy scriptures” are an excellent “source” when it comes to “legitimate” discrimination.

Fortunately, not all people reading the Bible, the Qur’an etc. and calling themselves believers are like that. As a matter of fact, I have friends from various backgrounds, believers and non-believers, Jews, Christians, Muslims - none of them, however, would argue the way you did.

As for Tim Doner, whom I met personally in New York, I can only say that he is a wonderful young man with a brilliant character. And I’m quite certain (based on the discussions I had with him both face to face and on skype) that he would strongly disagree with everything you have said in this thread (and no, this does not make him gay and even if he were, this would not make him any less admirable or likeable for that matter).

ad MADARA: I just looked up your post on Tim:

(…) We should not be some stupid puppets that tolerate everything that the media says that is ok but in fact we should listen to reason. (…)

I loved the part where you wrote “we should listen to reason”. Hear, hear!

@third…: Those who justified slavery saying that the Bible supports them must have drank from their granny’s medicine or something . How come a Holy Book that says to love those around you can relate to people that we can enforce other people and treat them like donkeys ? The world is full of these kinds of ignorant and disgusting people that think they are superior to others.

Regarding Tim, I’m sure he is an OK person who may possess a higher IQ than must of us and who leads a pretty decent life. Also in that thread I wasn’t offending him or anything .

What’s wrong what I said there ?

ad MADARA: Ok, I tried to read through some of your posts again, also taking into consideration that you seem to be still quite young (I’m more than double your age). I have to admit I don’t get you, and I really mean it. On the one hand, you write some really outrageous things about gay people and you try to justify your point of view with your religious belief.

Now, on the other hand you are saying that the “Holy Book” tells us to love “those around us”. Does that not include gay people? And, please, don’t quote Leviticus 18, 22 as so many religious people do. Because if you insist on that “rule” then you might just as well punish all men not running around with long beards (I assume you don’t have one either), people wearing cloths made of synthetic fibres etc.

It is that selective interpretation of their holy scriptures that I find so disturbing when talking to some believers.

(…) Also in that thread I wasn’t offending him or anything . (…)

No, you were not, at least not as far as I remember and I haven’t suggested anything like that. I just remember that you said you hoped “he was not from the other side”. But there is nothing terrible about that, we all have our hopes.

(…) What’s wrong what I said there ? (…)

If you meant the part where I referred to you suggesting we should listen to reason, well, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, except that it contradicts your whole line of argumentation. What you said about homosexuality in general certainly does not have anything to do with reason. You were actually urging other people to dislike gays because this supposedly is what a “normal heterosexual person ought to do”.

Out of curiosity, how far does your antipathy towards gay people go? Is it enough if people just shun them or should they be banned from certain professions, should they be jailed, subjected to “medical treatment”?

Should parents of gay children throw them out of their house? Stop feeding them?

All these things - unfortunately, even worse things - have been suggested by “true believers” (and some non-believers as well; religious people obviously don’t have a monopoly on such views).

What I find interesting is that views like yours are apparently much more common in Eastern Europe than in Western Europe. I wonder if that has to do with the fact that most of these countries suffered under a strict communist regime which did not allow people to think for their own. The same is true of nationalistic movements. In former communist countries you find many more racist and nationalistic groups than in most western countries.

I am by no means saying that all people in these countries are like this. But I’m sure you wouldn’t be offended anyway, after all I’m not insulting anybody personally here. So, I should be on the safe side.

On a totally different note I find your English really good. If only you put as much time into questioning some of your religious beliefs as you obviously have invested into studying English. I’m sure it would be worth it.

@thirdtimeisthecharm: Why thank you very much! A compliment like this means a lot coming from a native speaker .

Well you kind of hit the nail in the head with what you said . I really want to hit the C1 level as fast as possible but unfortunately I am a rather lazy person . The mistake that I’ve committed is that after reaching a reasonable good level in English without any real effort , I’ve indulged myself in believing that my current level is enough though it couldn’t be more incorrect .

And as for this controversial subject I honestly don’t care very much( time will time who was right and who wasn’t). My real concerns are linked to what’s happening in Syria and to the other Muslims who are slaughtered for their beliefs ( such as in Burma ). But still no matter how many Muslims die , we will always remain as ‘terrorists’.


Robert is not a native speaker of English. He is in fact an interpretator-800: a futuristic robot sent back in time to protect humanity from bad interpreting.

Roberts not a native engilsh speaker.

Hmm… thoses Syrias you talk about are the ones beheading people. Yeah go youtube that. Or cutting of people’s noses. Or stoning people alive. Islam is not innocent.

I live in Zürich… and 500 years ago the Swiss were burning Anabaptists at the stake… or drowning them… or chopping up Zwingli. 500 YEARS AGO. I don’t see Christians going around beheading people. Until that stops… Islam will have a very negative stigma in the world. It’s time for Islam to join the 21st century.

@Colin: Well him being an interpreter must mean that he has a very high level in the language( what you believe that my English level is no good ?).

@Spatterson: Yes they are beheading people and not just that . They are also burning people alive , torturing people , raping women etc. . The only thing is that this has nothing to do with Islam and Muslims. The ones committing all these atrocities are either Alawi or Shia .
And lets not fall in the gutter game ( I don’t want to discuss about what Hitler,Stalin and those who conquered America did ).
And I remember you have a Muslim wife? Doesn’t she talk with you about what Islam really means ?

''engilsh speaker ‘’ …

Um, no. Those people are Muslim. Sorry, but they are. If you think otherwise you are seriously mistaken. I’m not falling into a gutter game, I’m telling you reality.

Yes I have a Muslim wife… and she does not read the Wahabi Qu’ran. Remember, there are different versions… but you don’t want to realize that.

BTW – If you don’t want to discuss Hitler best not bring him up. That’s the easiest route.

''engilsh speaker ‘’ …
Not sure what you’re implying there. I was typing on my iPad and obviously I’m well aware that it’s “English speaker”. Get over it

In fact, this is exactly the point I was making last time… but you were too stupid to realize I was supporting you. There are multiple versions of the Qu’ran and the crazies read the crazy one.

You’re making me stupid ? But when have I insulted you ?
I thanked you when you correct me but you on the other … ( you know what people say about those who make excuses ).

‘‘Those people are Muslim’’ or Those people are Muslims ? Oh I forgot that pesky iPad is to blame .
Though I eventually understood what you meant to say, let me inform you that Shias and Alawis are not Muslims .
‘‘BTW – If you don’t want to discuss Hitler best not bring him up. That’s the easiest route.’’
Why do you assume that if I bring him up that I will take his side? Maybe you are the one who agrees with what he did .

What can I say Spatterson , you’re the kind of guy who walks through life without realizing anything.

And for the last time cut your stubborn act and learn when to use translation and when to use version. Don’t tell my that your iPad has control over what you write ?

I corrected your English because you’re learning English you god damn idiot. “Those people are Muslim” That’s actually just fine. Those people are Christian. Works too.

Learn to read. Shias are Muslims. To argue otherwise is pointless.

And no I don’t assume you would take Hitler’s side. You have a serious serious reading comprehension problem. I get it, it’s not your native language. Whatever.

And it’s version. Not translation. I know the difference.

You assumed that bad things would happen if I’d open a discussion about Hitler and any normal person with interpret what I have.

Sorry but you don’t know anything about Islam so I suggest you talk about things you can fathom

‘’…because you’re learning English you god damn idiot.‘’ Steve are you getting this ?

Right, so that wikipedia page is complete fiction? What fantasy land do you live in?

‘‘You have serious serious reading comprehension problem.’’ ?
''You have a serious serious… ‘’ or 'You have serious serious comprehension problems ‘’

Is that the best you muster? Grammar mistakes from my ipad? Youre reaching now.

There i fixed it for u

“The Shia (Arabic: شيعة‎, Shīʿah) represent the second largest denomination of Islam and adherents of Shia Islam are called Shias or the Shi’a as a collective or Shi’i individually”

How curious. Perhaps you should import the article into Limgq and actually read it. You might learn something