Richard Dawkins

@ thirdtimeisthecharm

Just a stab in the dark here, but you are not lovelanguagesIII are you? The ‘third time is the charm’, plus the Austrian flag, and the perfect written English makes me suspect so.

(…) At what point did MADARA say that gay people are all child abusers? Could you quote this statement? (…)

Is it really that difficult?

(…) At what point did MADARA say that gay people are all child abusers? Could you quote this statement? (…)

Are you seriously trying to tell me that by “Just think what will happen if a gay couple adopts a child . Who knows what will happen to him and what he/she would become” he was not trying to play that old card of “child abusing gays”?

(…) Since you clearly signed up for an account to post this comment, (…)

I don’t see anything wrong with that.

(…) may I ask what name you normally use when you post here? (…)

What made you think I normally post here?

(…) Just a stab in the dark here, but you are not lovelanguagesIII are you? (…)

Hmh, guilty as charged…:wink:

P.S. Given his “record”, I don’t give MADARA the benefit of the doubt when it comes to slandering homosexuals. But you may, of course, see things differently.

ad Colin: Ich hätte vielleicht doch lieber der Versuchung widerstehen sollen, mich hier einzumischen. Eigentlich hatte ich mir fest vorgenommen, nur mehr an sprachenbezogenen Diskussionen teilzunehmen, aber diese haarsträubenden Verunglimpfungen haben mich dann doch so geärgert, dass ich meinen Senf dazugegeben habe, obwohl ich das wahrscheinlich sehr bald wieder bereuen werde.

Ich habe in letzter Zeit in erster Linie die Einträge im HTLAL-Forum gelesen, weil ich mich dort mehr auf das Sprachenlernen konzentrieren konnte. Jolanda hat mich aber eingeladen, lingq noch einmal “auszuprobieren” und als ich dann heute auf die Site kam, fand ich als ersten Eintrag im Forumregister diesen Thread. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa ;-).

From MADRA’s profile :

"Learning languages is something that I wish anyone can enjoy( and afford). It helps to break the barriers and preconceptions between nations and also it can make someone smarter. "

: )

Robert is back! :wink:

Let’s just not bring up freedom this time… we all know what happened last time

@MADARA: “Just think what will happen if a gay couple adopts a child . Who knows what will happen to him and what he/she would become.”

The young man in this video was raised by a gay couple and has without a doubt become a far more respectable person than you with the ignorance and prejudice you display, but your parents are probably more to blame for indoctrinating you into their evil religion from childhood, if you are like so many others ‘born into’ their religion.

Yay, Robert is back!!

Edit: Clugston’s video mentioning our 90 day Challenge is far more entertaining!

@Iri - what were you saying about Fester?!! ^^

Here’s a really COOL vid by Clugston - Now why can’t he be like this all of the time?!!

(…) Let’s just not bring up freedom this time… we all know what happened last time (…)

Ich gelobe Besserung :wink:

@ Julz

“Could you pretty please sweetie kindly shut the crap up?”

I don’t understand this attitude. Why do you want him to stop writing here? Are the readers here so fragile that MADARA’s opinions are hurting them so much? MADARA’s opinion is shared by a huge number of people on this planet. Do we not want to know what these people really think?

@ thirdtimeisthecharm

Welcome back. Other than spatterson, most people here have been looking forward to the appearance of lovelanguagesIII.

“What made you think I normally post here?”

Your paragraph starting with ‘Unfortunately, this is not the first time you start this kind of discussion here…’.

“I don’t see anything wrong with that.”

I don’t see anything wrong with signing up for a new account specifically to make a post, but when I asked you what name you normally post under, I assumed you were a current active member of the forum who signed up for a new account so that you could post an anonymous message instead of just posting it with your normal account. It was not until afterwards that I worked out who you were.

“dass ich meinen Senf dazugegeben habe”

Thanks! Your mustard is always something I am interested in reading.

(…) MADARA’s opinion is shared by a huge number of people on this planet. (…)

I doubt that a huge number of people would compare gay people to animals as he did in another thread.
A recent study amongst Catholics in Austria for example showed that about 80 % (!) of them disagreed with the official position of the Catholic Church regarding homosexuality. There were similar results in other European countries (based on a list of questions put together by the Vatican). So, no, it is not huge numbers of people but there is a fair amount of them and they need to be dealt with.

(…) Are the readers here so fragile that MADARA’s opinions are hurting them so much? (…)

Would you call yourself fragile if you felt offended in case somebody compared your mother for example to an animal?

Or if somebody called her abnormal, harmful for society? I know from other discussions that your tolerance limit is quite high in this respect, I guess mine is less so.

(…) Do we not want to know what these people really think? (…)

Well, I know that there are people out there who think homosexuality is wrong. That is enough for me. Do I want them to elaborate on how disgusting they find gay people? No, I don’t.

It is always worth trying to engage in an open discussion with people who have opinions different from yours, but this requires all parties involved to keep an open mind AND, most importantly, to show some sort of respect. I don’t see where MADARA showed any respect whatsoever to gay people in his comments.

(…) Welcome back. Other than spatterson, most people here have been looking forward to the appearance of lovelanguagesIII. (…)

Thanks for welcoming me back :slight_smile:

Uhh wtf colin, I never said anything about not looking forward to Robert coming back. Hell, i don’t even know who he is… I just remember him rage-quitting 6 months ago.

@Colin - I kept reading their appalling crap in my in-box. The more they said, the worse it got. And I should have gone to bed 3 hours ago.

(…) Uhh wtf colin, I never said anything about not looking forward to Robert coming back. Hell, i don’t even know who he is… I just remember him rage-quitting 6 months ago. (…)

I was about to ask Colin if you really “hated” me that much lol.

(…) I just remember him rage-quitting 6 months ago. (…)
Was that really 6 months ago?

(…) Hell, i don’t even know who he is. (…)
I used to have a youtube channel where I posted videos on language learning. I took it down a few weeks ago, however. I think the polylgot podcast project link still works if you want to know “who the hell I am” :wink:

Yea, I was a little disappointed to see your channel had closed, I was looking for you speaking BSC just this morning.

@ Robert

Wow, writing German takes time!

“I doubt that a huge number of people would compare gay people to animals as he did in another thread.”

Ich denke…,no wait, I think a lot of people would. Maybe not so many in Europe.

“Would you call yourself fragile if you felt offended in case somebody compared your mother for example to an animal?”

If it was on an internet forum where the actual statement made was not directly about my mother, sure, I would call myself fragile if I was so offended that I tried to force the person who made the statement to stop taking part in the discussion.

“Well, I know that there are people out there who think homosexuality is wrong. That is enough for me. Do I want them to elaborate on how disgusting they find gay people? No, I don’t.”

As I wrote on the other thread, I want to know exactly what they think, why they think what they think, and who else thinks it.

I don’t think these discussions require people to respect each other. I think these discussion require people to be honest and genuinly open minded (but as Dawkins once said, not so open minded that your brain falls out). MADARA told us what he honestly thinks about gay people, and if this meant that he was showing them no respect, then it is because he doesn’t respect them. Do we want him to pretend to respect them?

ad Colin: (…) Ich denke…,no wait, I think a lot of people would. (…)

I really disagree with you and I hope for once that I am right and you are wrong. I still have some hope that most people are decent whatever their religious or social background. And comparing people - with a clear intention to hurt their feelings - to animals is not decent to me.

(…) if it was on an internet forum where the actual statement made was not directly about my mother, sure, I would call myself fragile (…)

Why would you make a difference here? Let’s say you are married to a black woman and MADARA had said all black women are sluts and abnormal, they are like animals etc. Would you honestly not be hurt in the least? Would you not be outraged that someone would take the liberty to say something like that about someone like your wife in public (and yes, the Internet is a public place)? Would he actually have to call your wife by her name for you to feel outraged? Maybe the word “offended” is not the proper term here. Maybe we should have used “outraged” instead.

(…) As I wrote on the other thread, I want to know exactly what they think, why they think what they think, and who else thinks it. (…)

You might not like this comparison and I might get some “beating” for it, but to me comments like the ones of MADARA are like bad food, they just make me sick. I know that kind of food is out there, I know some people will try to sell it to those unaware of the actual condition of the food and many of them will get sick, some might even die.

But I for one sure don’t want any of that food and I won’t feed it to others either.

It is not as if we had to find out about these people and their views. Surely you must know that there are people in this world with a similar mindset but do you really want to listen to every single one of them, so you know what exactly made him or her come up with these things?

There is only one scenario where I could imagine that it may be worthwile listening to such people and that is when there is still even the tiniest chance that they might start using their brain again. I would not have said anything if MADARA had just said that he thinks homosexuality is wrong and that he does not want to be around gay people. I would still have found his statement weird but I probably would not have tried to join in the discussion here.

But he went much further, he was actively lashing out at gay people suggesting they were harmful to society and what really made me angry was his religious self-righteousness.

Religious people NEED TO FACE THE FACT that they are not the only ones populating this planet. If they want us to respect their religion and their God(s), then they better start respecting us. Why don’t they just rejoice in their religion, counting the days when they’ll reach paradise.

Let God welcome them when it is time for them to go, but they should LEAVE US ALONE.

I’m normally a rather calm person but I have seen too many lives being destroyed by fanatics. I remember that when working as an interpreter at tribunals for war criminals many (albeit not all) of these criminals justified their crimes with their religious beliefs. It was always in the name of God, Allah, whoever that they chopped off heads of babies, raped pregnant women etc. After all, they were not praying to the “right God”. (Just to make things clear, many non-religious people also commit horrendous crimes; it is not the religion that makes you do these things, it is your sick mind).

MADARA did not suggest any of that, don’t get me wrong, but he is well on his way to depriving people of their innate dignity when he keeps calling them abnormal, not natural, harmful to society etc. (mind you, not because of what they DO or SAY but because of WHO THEY ARE, the mere fact that they are gay makes them bad people in his eyes and he actually says that heterosexual people “should be against them”, whatever he really means by that).

(…) Do we want him to pretend to respect them? (…)

No, there is no need for him to pretend anything, just as there is no need for him to propagate his hatred. If he does, he will hopefully meet with a lot of resistance.