@Colin: I really don’t want to tackle that subject again. But since you asked me.
Paule said that religious people are anti-gay an anti-women which to me sounds illogical . A gay guy is inclined to hate women since he doesn’t feel attracted to them , right ? And those who are normal should be against them because they’re the exact opposite of them and not in a good way. The reason for why I am against them ( gay men and lesbians ) is because they went against the true nature of human beings. God first created Adam and Eve and not Adam and Joe or Eve and Mary so the fact that men are different from women makes it normal for them to be attracted to each other.
Also only a man and a woman can give birth to a child ( normally speaking ) .
‘‘Going way back to before your boring argument with spatterson,…’’ you also think that my jokes weren’t funny ?
Well it’s obvious since they are not attracted to women they won’t have a good opinion regarding them. It’s because of their unnatural way that they tend to feel repulsion against the opposite gender.
I think that straight people should be against them considering the fact that what they are doing is against human reason and only bad things can come from it . Just think what will happen if a gay couple adopts a child . Who knows what will happen to him and what he/she would become.
I for one am attracted only to women so I can’t even start to understand why they act and why they have those feelings but by the end of the days it’s their business ( everyone will reap what they sow ).
I must ask again, do you have bad opinions of people you are not attracted to because you are not attracted to them? I have seen no evidence that gay people feel repulsion against the opposite sex. Have you met any gay people?
“Well it’s obvious since they are not attracted to women they won’t have a good opinion regarding them. It’s because of their unnatural way that they tend to feel repulsion against the opposite gender.”
You are out of your god damn mind. Seriously. Have you met a gay person?
BTW, I assume you have no male friends. Since you’re not attracted to men… you must hate them, right?
I really don’t see any reason for why you are calling me crazy. And your second question has no relevance considering that you didn’t understand what I said earlier . I only hate those who deserve to be hate , though generally speaking hate isn’t a good feeling.
There are lots of gay people who hang out with woman all the time (so they can go out shopping and talk about cute boys together keke)
I feel bad for the gay people that they keep getting bashed because of being born the way they are.
And if you do want to keep going on with the ‘it is not natural so therefore it’s wrong’ argument:First of all: it IS natural!
Second: Religious people tend to say that god rules from outside of our world… Therefore outside of nature…sounds kinda unnatural to me!
Not trying to cause drama, just couldn’t resist sharing my opinion on this one.
btw: Seen lot’s of good stories about gay parents adopting children here in The Netherlands.
@Colin: I don’t hate anyone for the reason you mentioned , it’s just like I said their nature makes them act differently compared to straight people. I might had have some colleagues like this but their were acting as if they are normal but I didn’t have much to do with them.
So if you don’t hate people because you are not attracted to them, what makes you think that it is obvious that gay men will have bad opinions of women because they are not attracted to them? Remember, this was your arguement. You wrote
“A gay guy is inclined to hate women since he doesn’t feel attracted to them , right ?”
“Well it’s obvious since they are not attracted to women they won’t have a good opinion regarding them.”
There is a German saying: “Gott hat allem eine Grenze gesetzt, nur nicht der Dummheit der Menschen”. (“God put a limit to everything, except to man’s stupidity”).
Having read your comments in this thread, I’d say whoever came up with this proverb must have come across people like you. Even for somebody who has obviously been brainwashed (there is no other explanation for so much nonsense unless you turn out to be some sort of malware flooding this forum with these outbursts of stupidity) you set new standards. Gay people deserve to be hated?!
What is the next step for you? Those who deserve to be hated deserve to die?
Unfortunately, this is not the first time you start this kind of discussion here (I remember you having compared gay people to animals in another thread), so I doubt you were serious when you said that you should have listened to people who had told you not to start talking about politics and/or religion. You seem to feel that you are on some sort of a (holy) mission.
The funny thing is that you probably met lots of gay people already without having noticed it: fellow students, doctors, policemen, teachers, professors ----- I wonder how you manage to even venture out of your snail shell knowing there are so many “unnatural creatures” out there.
Fortunately, I know many believers (I myself am not religious) who would be just as shocked at your words as any other person who has a minimum of respect for others.
(…) Just think what will happen if a gay couple adopts a child . Who knows what will happen to him and what he/she would become. (…)
Honestly, when I thought it couldn’t get any worse you come up with this. Insinuating that gay people per se are all child abusers is simply disgusting.
At what point did MADARA say that gay people are all child abusers? Could you quote this statement? Since you clearly signed up for an account to post this comment, may I ask what name you normally use when you post here?
Good idea Aber ich weiß nicht, ob wir jemanden finden werden, der die Diskussion genauso anheizt wie MADARA auf Englisch. Actually, I wish there was nobody out there suggesting similar things but I’m afraid he is not the only one.
I’ll try to open a thread on religion in general. I did that once in Italian and it got quite interesting as well ;-).