Spatterson gets up at ass crack of dawn. Brace youself.
Well I just woke up & saw a gazillion posts in my email.
@Madaras - you’re only 21!!! You’re younger than two of my kids… Sheesh, that explains a lot, no offence intended. Not meant to sound condescending.
@Paul - I agree with you and take issue myself with some of the thinking of certain religious groups or individuals. Mostly my blood boils at the religious people, including religious trolls on You-tube, who think that being born with disability is a direct result of sin.
Of course we can be moral without believing in God! Of course women can be spiritual leaders in their homes and churches. I laugh outright at the thought that women were created to serve their husbands. That’s fine and good for those lucky to be married to intelligent, decent guys… Not so for many women married to morons. Wait - ‘created to serve’ them? Nope, I’ve got better things to do with my time:)
Edit: @Paul - just as much as you felt deep down inside of yourself that you “knew it just wasn’t true”, you have to equally understand there are those of us who “know deep down inside that it is true”.
I take issue with lots of things I hear in religious circles. I’m a bit of a rebel; I refuse to fit the status-quo. I sometimes hear things that make me cringe. If something is wrong, I say so. It doesn’t mean that I have to be a pain in the derrière & cause division. Rather, us Christians can be part of the checks and balances, and hopefully a catalyst for change in our churches.
@Julz: “…I laugh outright at the thought that women were created to serve their husbands…”
Ah, now I almost feel like I could write a book on this topic.
Women…yes…ever since the age of about 13 I have been afflicted with awe and revere for the female of the species.
Were they created to serve me?
No. I was created to serve them!
“You’re older than I am, and I believe that you should be a source of inspiration for the following generations not someone who thinks that if he says a lie 1000 times it will become the truth.”
If you believe I should be a source of inspiration for you… you’re out of your damn mind. I don’t tell lies. I tell facts backed up by sources. You have faith. I’ll take my facts any day of the week. And as for throwing french fries at me in McDonalds… well you’d have a pretty hard time convincing me to go anywhere with you let alone McDonalds. Good luck.
@Spatterson @MADARA
“…as for throwing french fries at me in McDonalds… well you’d have a pretty hard time convincing me to go anywhere with you let alone McDonalds. Good luck…”
I think the most likely scenario is that you guys would just run into each other by chance down at Mac Donald’s. And yeah…there would be ketchup! Let’s face it: tempers can all too easily flare over Big Tasties and Chicken MacNuggets!
(As for me, I’ll be sticking to Burger King.)
Mac Donalds. Not to get off topic… but it’s McDonalds. Mick. Not Mac. Trust me on this one, I’ve had this exact argument with the Swiss here
I prefer Burger King anyway - crispier fries!
Have you tried Wendy’s? Man, when I had my first job… I worked right by a Wendy’s. That was dangerous. I would get a triple with cheese, large fry, and an extra chicken sammich. I remember calculating it once that it was 1700-1900 calories – can’t remember if that was with or without the drink though. Fortunately for my arteries… I don’t do this anymore
No, I‘m not too familiar with Wendy‘s - Maccy D and Burger K are my junk(food) dealers!
One thing that annoys me about BK is their ice-cream scoops…y‘know those flat spade shaped things…weird…just much less useful than the scoop that comes with a McFlurry…somehow…)
As far as I know Wendy’s are state-side only. So if you’re in the US give them a shot. Chic-fil-a too. Worth a visit.
LoL, at seeing a post on a famous Atheist on LingQ. I know something of Richard Dawkins and agree with most of what he says but he can be a little curt. I find it amusing how religious people take great pride in his general debate style ineptness.
Obviously I’m not religious as I grew up in a very strict Fundamentalist family but over time grew out of believing in the invisible man in the sky. One famous Atheist said " All religions cannot be right/true but they can all be wrong".
IMO 99 plus percent of the religious folks out there know very little about their holy books( like Dawkins frequently brings up) I knew very little about my own church until after I stopped going to it. Religion is one of my favorite subjects, as is history in almost any field. Most Holy books have been passed down through the ages, translated many times and have unknown authors, who church leaders have given a name.
To each there own. I like Dawkins but wish he would have stuck with his field of specialty as his anti-religion crusade is pointless in the long run IMO. The only people he’s going to influence are those sort of on the fence religious types who want to hear the other side of religion which their preachers haven’t told them (perhaps out of ignorance?).
@ spatterson
Now that you are living in Europe, have you tried the Royal with Cheese, or the ‘le BigMac’?
We’ve got Hungry Jack’s here (aka your Burger King), Macca’s (our nickname for McDonald’s), and Wendy’s. I ate at Macca’s tonight with the tribe, but yes, the food’s better at Hungry Jack’s.
Haven’t heard of the Royal BigMac. Btw, those BigMacs have shrunk over the years. Same with the so-called “Whoppers” at Hungry Jack’s. Have to put my glasses on to see the “Towers” at KFC.
Negative. I have not gone to a European McD. Someday maybe. After seeing “the pink slim” documentary I don’t think I’ll ever go back
‘Le Big Mac’ that’s a good one.
@Spatterson : Maybe I was wrong when I said that you’re saying a lie, I mean in your head maybe it seems like the truth but in reality things are different.
I think you’re still upset because of my jokes (which were pretty funny if you ask me). But I remember challenging you to make fun of one another not to shove into my face the same nonsense again and again( if there really were multiple versions of the Qu’ran how come there are 0 contradictions in it ?).
@Julz: Don’t worry I’m not offended. Us youngsters have a lot to learn until we reach maturity.But since I am curious for why you said what you said I wouldn’t mind for an advice from you
‘‘I laugh outright at the thought that women were created to serve their husbands…’’ Well last time I checked women were also human beings so why would someone in our day and age serve another human? Men and women should help one another and no one should serve anybody.
People say that hamburgers are the most popular, but I for one would prefer a shawarma or a falafel .
I’m not upset by any ‘jokes’ you may have told. Personally I think you’re about as funny as a table.
Well that’s OK if you’re not offended. My jokes were intended towards you so I don’t expect any praise from you.
If you think that you’re such a funny guy let’s see what you got !
‘’…as funny as a table’’ , is this a new expression ? If yes thanks for teaching it to me .
Going way back to before your boring argument with spatterson, you wrote
“Either you’re gay and you hate women or you’re anti-gay and you are attracted to them there’s nothing in between.”
Why do you think that gay men hate women? Why do you think that men who are attracted to women are anti-gay?