Richard Dawkins

Yeah, fine. I can find a gazillion sources saying their are more than 1 Qu’ran. I’ve said it before… I have two different copies in my house. You can’t tell me there is only 1. I’m going to bed, I don’t argue with 21 year olds anymore. That explains a lot. I remember what I was like at 21. Stubborn, arrogant. Wait. i’m still stubborn and arrogant.

Well good night then and good luck next time !
Oh and by the way you misused a term, instead of saying ‘‘translations’’ you added ‘‘versions’’. Be more careful next time.

nope. not translations. sorry buddy. you’re arguing with faith… I argue with reality. there are multiple arabic versions of the quran. period. end of story. you cannot convince me otherwise

seriously, lingq you need an ignore feature. Ive had better conversations with my dog.

Well your the first guy I’ve heard that can communicate with a dog. No wander you act like you do.

Also Lingq should have a sign that says:‘‘Humans only’’ :))
I think you should take the 90 days challenge so can learn not to use translations instead of versions(Good luck ! ).

I’m the first person you’ve heard of that can communicate with a dog? Are you serious? Sure I have a labradoodle… he’s quite smart. But I’ve been a bazillion (yeah, true number) of people that can say “Where’s your ball?” and the dog goes and gets the ball. “Sit” - dog sits. “Gotta go out?” Dog barks. Yeah, nice try. I’m guessing you didn’t grow up as a dog lover

Humans only. Right, that’s right. Any non-muslim is non-human to you.

I prefer cats, though I can’t speak with them. Do you also know how to communicate with cats ?

Oh and by the way , why don’t you propose to add here on Lingq the language you know so well, and if it gets voted people well have less to worry about all these barking mutts that hinder them from sleeping at night. Just imagine all the content there will be from all the worlds stray dogs .

Well wait just a minute! I was only joking with the fact that you can communicate with dogs and nothing else .

I presume you’re assuming I know how to read Arabic. Well I don’t. I won’t. And I don’t want to. I have absolutely no desire to learn Arabic. But even a fool can compare 2 pieces of texts – uhh… the first page, and you know what I’m talking about. if you don’t know, then you need to learn about Islam a bit more – and say “oh… well you know those ARE different” I’m through with you.

I was assuming you know Dogish (or maybe it’s called Spattdogish) . Why don’t you understand that I know the difference between a version and a translation ? Don’t be jealous on me because I can see the difference and you don’t. I’m sure that if you put some effort in you will succeed one day. The force is with you ! :))

Ahh. Right. There is only one version of the Qu’ran because it was given to an illiterate man 1300 years ago… and then recorded several years after his death. It’s all so clear to me now.

More like 1382 years ago.
But can’t you get another thing to talk about? It’s getting rather old and were going nowhere fast .

You’re older than I am, and I believe that you should be a source of inspiration for the following generations not someone who thinks that if he says a lie 1000 times it will become the truth.

Oh boy…if this were a dive bar instead of an internet forum…well…the chairs and tables would be flying tonight!

We’re just having fun (at least I am ).
I don’t drink so maybe if we were in a Mcdonalds you’d see Spatterson covered in french fries and coke :slight_smile:
By the way have you read the reply I gave you earlier in this thread ?

I see that Spatterson finally went to bed. Well good night then.

@MADARA: “…By the way have you read the reply I gave you earlier in this thread?..”

Yes, I saw it - it‘s okay. :wink:


Maybe we need a kind of “brotherhood week” here?

Let’s do this debate in German next time!