ad MADARA: (…) The Shia (Arabic: شيعة, Shīʿah) represent the second largest denomination of Islam and adherents of Shia Islam are called Shias or the Shi’a as a collective or Shi’i individually (…)
Honestly, you are the first Muslim I have met who says Shia are not Muslims.
As for the terrorist attacks, the killings and other atrocities committed in Syria, I’m sure anybody in their right mind would be just as appalled at what is going on in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan etc. as you are.
Since you seem to blame other people for those crimes (Shiites and Alawis), have you not heard of Sunnis causing bloodshed in Shiite communities and the other way round in Iraq?
Just listen to what the Taliban say to all those who don’t follow their stone-age interpretation of Islam. Surely you won’t argue that the Taliban aren’t Muslims either, will you?
There are different types of interpretation of the Qu’ran, it is not just about translations. Wahabism as it is practised in Saudi Arabia for example is one of the most conservative and radical forms of Islam. I don’t know what your personal beliefs are when it comes to women but I can’t imagine that you feel that they should not be allowed to drive a car or to leave their house without the permission of a male member of their family. All these rules are stricly applied in Saudi Arabia.
Any crime against humanity is a terrible thing, no matter who commits it. When it comes to religiously motivated violence, however, there can hardly be any doubt that currently most of such crimes are committed in the name of Allah.
By the way, the vast majority of the victims of islamist terrorists are other Muslims. You mentioned Syria yourself. You must be aware of all those killings amongst the various islamistic groups there.
As I said before, I have Muslim friends and they are nothing like the islamists we see and hear on TV. There are more than a billion Muslims on this planet and many of them are peaceful people. I don’t agree with most of what they say, but I don’t have to, as long as they (and anybody else for that matter) understand that they have no right to kill or attack others based on their beliefs.
What worries me is that you almost automatically blamed Shiites and Alawis for the atrocities committed in Syria. This is where the vicious circle of perpetual killings starts - this automatic blaming of “the others”.
You wrote something along the line “no matter how many Muslims die, we’ll always be considered terrorists”.
As long as some Muslims keep throwing bombs, cutting off heads, throwing acid into little girls’ faces etc., the world will view them as terrorists and that is exactly what they are; mind you, not all Muslims, of course not, but those who commit those crimes.
If Muslims want to make sure that Islam is viewed in a different light, they need to do something about it. Just to give you an example: A few years ago there were some major demonstrations of Muslims living in Austria because of the Mohammed caricatures. They took to the streets (something which, by the way, they would not be able to do in quite a lot of countries where Islam is the state religion) and expressed their anger.
I have yet to see a single manifestation of Muslims here where they express their outrage over the many killings committed in the name of their God. It is this kind of attitude that scares people, including me. How come some caricatures make them flock to the streets, while pictures of maimed bodies don’t seem to bother them at all? Where are the masses of Muslims protesting against the (supposedly) wrong image of Islam by raising their voices and clearly stating that they are against all those killings?
In a recent survey about 70 % of the Muslims living in Austria said that religious laws always have priority over state laws. While amongst Christians only about 6 % were of the same opinion. This shows the enormous divide that exists between Muslims and other groups in some respects.
In a free and democratic society religious law must never play a decisive factor. Besides, nobody would know which religious law to apply anyway. There is no uniform Islam for example. Just today I read an article about a group of children that were killed by Talibans because they played football. In the eyes of the Taliban playing football is not Halal. A few weeks ago girls were executed because they were playing music, again this is considered to be Haram by the Taliban.
These are just a few examples of why people are critical of certain aspects of Islam and I don’t blame them for that.
Again, fortunately there are millions of Muslims who would never even think of committing such atrocities, but as long as Muslims don’t manage to control those radical groups the world will not look too favourably upon the “religion of peace”.