Profile flags

We just uploaded a change to the forum mini profile which is intended to show your country’s flag. For some reason it is showing your native language flag for everyone. We will get this fixed! :stuck_out_tongue:

No, it shows English for every body

Serge and SanneT have French set as the native language.
chiaguglie’s native language is Italian.
But everybody has the GB flag.

I mean it shows your native language for everyone. So, if you have English as your native language, everyone will have the English flag.

This is a secret British plot to convert the world. We will not allow this to happen. Why is Helen strangely absent right now?

I understand the programmer is Russian. Could he be in the pay of MI5?

Helen must be triple or cuadruple secret agent. Be careful!

Hi. Even if this gets fixed and we can all have just the flag for our native languages I don’t like this idea as it can be confusing. Would I have the Spain flag under my profile even if I’m Mexican? Will Brazilians have a Portuguese flag, etc…? In my mind there’s no language = country connection in this world anymore. Maybe just putting the name of the language would be better.

Eduardo, as Mark (administrator) pointed out, the flag has to indicate your country, not your mother language. So for you it should be shown the Mexican flag.

Mark and Steve, your Columbia is still British!

Oscar, this is what Mark said: “I mean it shows your native language for everyone. So, if you have English as your native language, everyone will have the English flag.” I could be confused though haha.

Don’t blame Russians - they will blame you!

Very nice this new flag ! But I see after each name the french flag !

“which is intended to show your country’s flag”

I like it…even though I have a GB flag. It’s cool though!

Nick, I have a surprise for you: my mother tongue is set to French and for me you are shown with the Tricolore… Enjoy your multi-kulti (as we say in Germany) status.

I didn’t know there were so many Swedes here. :wink:

As you have probably noticed by now, we have fixed the flag issue. Sorry it took so long! :slight_smile:

Bring out the bunting! Thank you

It looks great!

I just wanted to see my flag. :slight_smile: