Problems with Paypal

I tried several times to upgrade my account to basic in the last few days, using PayPal. PayPal just says that the transaction is not possible at the moment. Does anyone else encounter this problem or is it just me and my Paypal account?


Hi Thomas,

I’m not aware of any problem with PayPal. We have had people upgrading successfully with PayPal accounts. However, if you are unable to upgrade with a PayPal account, you can try to upgrade using the credit card system. All of our credit card transactions are handled through PayPal’s payment system anyway and we don’t store your credit card details in our own system. It should be just as secure this way and very often more reliable than trying to use your PayPal account when upgrading.

I had the same problem a couple of weeks ago. You are not alone.


I just got an e-mail from Pay Pal saying Lingq missed my payment on the 20th. They asked me for all my account information including credit card number. If they handle all your transactions shouldn’t they have this information? I’m just checking to make sure this is a legitimate request from you and PayPal. Thanks- Bill

@locofoco- Mark here on Steve’s account. That email is legitimate. I sent it myself through the Paypal invoicing system. Their recurring payment system failed on July 20th so we have had to invoice all members who were missed that day. Yes, your information is in Paypal but only the recurring payment was authorized by you and that was missed and can’t be re-processed. We can’t just charge you without your authorization. :slight_smile: Our only option was to send an invoice for the missed payment. Sorry for the inconvenience. Hopefully, this is a one time glitch that Paypal will fix.

I’ll take care of it right now. Thanks- Bill

@ Mait: Did the problem dissapear by itself?

@mark: Since I don’t have a credit card, I will try again in a couple of days, should I keep you updated here?

@Norion - We will update some fixes to our payment system today or tomorrow at the latest. They aren’t necessarily related to your issue but things may just work better after. Even though it sounds like your issue is an issue with PayPal, you can try again tomorrow and see if the issue is resolved. Otherwise, you can try contacting Paypal about the issue.

No, it didn’t. I stopped trying and decided I’d wait to upgrade.

People with a paypal payment problem - do you have a verified paypal account ?

When your account is not verified - some paypal payments are not possible. I do not know if this occurs for payments to lingq.

Paypal verification procedure is quite stupide - I first funded my paypal account from my bank account then they ask for verification that consists in 2 small amount payments from and to my bank account (saldo zero). Since I funded from this account it was clear this bank account was mine and my identity was verified.

@PierreM - That can definitely be a problem for people paying with Paypal since you can’t sign up for a recurring payment with a paypal account unless it is verified.

Yes, my account is fully vertified - but still not working together with Lingq. I made a payment for ebay yesterday and didn’t have any problems.


You can make one time payments with an unverified account. It is only the recurring payments that require an additional level of verification. Did you follow the process PierreM described above? If you try to purchase a 6-month membership, you should be able to using whatever PayPal account you have. There is no reason your PayPal account would work on Ebay and not on LingQ.

As said, fully verificated, mail as well as bank account.

PayPay doesn’t give me any clear information concerning my problem, it just states that the transaction is not possible at the moment and that I should return to Lingq to perform another option:

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Hmm…strange. PayPal can act strangely sometimes. Have you tried buying a 6-month membership? That should work.


I have the same problem with the payment via PayPal. I’d like to upgrade my account but I can’t, because I have no credit cards and PayPal doesn’t seem to work (but only on this site, up to now I’ve never had any problems with PP). I hope you’ll find a solution for this problem because with a free account I can’t fully benefit from this language programme.
Thanks in advance…

@il_melomane70 - This is very strange and a difficult problem for us to reproduce. I have just tried to upgrade using a paypal account and it worked fine for me. If you are willing to buy a 6-month membership, you can try to buy it with your Paypal account. This should have a better chance of succeeding since it is a one time payment and not a recurring payment. If you do try, please let me know what happens. We will continue looking into this issue.

Maybe you should try again maybe this is a temporary failure - all being in the “at the moment”.

I had the same problem you have but now it is possible to verify paypal account with the verification of your bank account - no credit card is needed. It is possible with Belgian bank accounts so it should be possible with all Eurozone bank accounts.

Hello Norion and Mark!

My Paypal account is already verified, so that’s not the problem. I contacted Paypal 2 days ago and they told me, that I need a credit card in order to make reccuring payments.

These are the words (in German) of Paypal:

“Nach Durchsicht Ihres PayPal-Kontos konnte ich feststellen, dass Sie ein
Bankkonto bei PayPal hinterlegt haben. Diesbezüglich brauchen Sie für
eine Abonnementen-Zahlung eine Kreditkarte.”

It seems, that I have to wait until I’ve gathered the $60,- for a one time payment.

I just got the same Email as you, damn. :slight_smile:
So, I’m going to upgrade after my vacation!
