Problem with a French lesson

FrenchLingQ Beginner (Greetings and Goodbyes), Part 2

Ca va très bien.

Should the C have the little mark underneath it?

I’m not sure myself. But I’ve noticed in some lessons, when there is a capital Ca, often it is written with an accent on the “a” instead of a cedille under the “C”. Is this common in with French when the “ç” is a capital?

Yes of course it should. For some reason, some computer keyboards do not let you use cedillas or accents with capital letters, but they do belong there. So until someone does better, I have changed this to a small “c” with a cedilla, comme il faut ou presque.


On Linux I have a character selector which will give me access to just about any script. Just copy that over.

I’m always willing to provide any other missing letters…

ṏ Ḩ ꟿ ඎ ⣿

I’ve got some weird ones :smiley:

I can’t do it today because I’m on my laptop, but with a conventional keyboard you can use these shortcuts.



I’ve found several errors-especially in one Portuguese broadcast. I figured it was a keyboard problem, so I didn’t bother to tell anyone. Of course, I’ve run across a couple of podcasts (one in Spanish and one in Italian) that didn’t go with the texts on the page. Are you interested in this kind of thing? I just take it in stride. Some people may be more meticulous than others.

If I see an intentional mistake, it annoys me.

If I see an unintentional mistake, and it is right to do so, I correct it.

When I am learning a new language, mistake are terrible to see. I gave terrible reviews for the Teach Yourself Hebrew course based on it’s constant spelling mistakes. (In both the English and the Hebrew)

I like correcting mistakes in language. I’m a bit of a lang-8 nut :smiley:

One important thing here is that if a word is spelt wrongly, the word engine doesn’t work properly. It counts them as two words. I’d rather see the word change to the correct spelling and therefore represent what I actually know.

Strangely, when the preposition ‘à’ is used in capital, I more often than not see it written simply as ‘A’. Confused the heck out of me in the beginning, but now I’ve pretty much accepted it as a kind of convention though, as Steve points out, they really do belong there. I occasionally see French written without any care for accents and the cedilla, but it tends to be the kind of rushed, chat-room language and also very often native speakers writing.

We rely on our members for content. They are human, as we all are, and there will be mistakes. If you want to be an editor please let me know and we will enable you to edit texts. Otherwise just mention it on the Forum and someone will correct the mistakes.

I must say that I am not a perfectionist and am not bothered by mistakes. I get some much input in the language that they odd mistake here and there makes very little impact.

Chris I looked it up on the Web before answering and the Academie Francaise, European Community, Vatican, King of Saudi Arabia . Presdient Obama, and the President of FIFA and all kinds of authorities have come out in favour of accents on les majuscules!

Yeah, I’m starting to get to that point with Dutch, Steve. After my second French lesson, it can be a bit concerning to see a mistake. Am I going to learn to spell poorly by using the LingQ French lessons? That’s a concern born out out of the fact that LingQ is my only French input (for the moment).

I think that there are very few mistakes. I do not believe these very few mistakes will have any impact on your French. I also suggest you do a lot of reading and listening before you worry about writing (righting) or spelling. By that time the number of mistakes as a percent of all the words you will have seen will be 0.00000001%. IMHO.

Thanks for the Ça . The lesson has been updated.

Good ideas Steve. There does seem to be very few. And now one less! Even better.

Thanks very much.

"Teach Yourself Hebrew course based on it’s constant spelling mistakes. (In both the English and the Hebrew) "

I have a problem with that course as well, but not for that reason. I thought about writing to the publisher, but life is short, I can’t solve everything.

haha, that’s true.

Luckily there are many other great Hebrew courses out there…

Thanks SanneT. Much appreciated. Hopefully I don’t find too many :slight_smile:

Hi everyone,

I’m a French native speaker and I sadly often do not write the accent on capital letters even though they should be typed or written. When a native read Ca va…, it is understood as Ça va without even thinking of the lake of accent…
After reading the comments here, I thought about this issue and since LingQ is a language learning site, these accents should of course be written! I am sorry about this and will type these accents from now on on capital letters. It is a habit I took, and will be more careful in the future.

In ‘correct’ French, you have to write
À cette affaire s’ajoute …
Élève dans ce lycée, j’ai…
Être parti… etc.

Nevertheless, I would not call this lake of accents ‘mistakes’. It is quite common to see capital letters without any accents even if it is not the rule. Moreover, this will not prevent you to learn French well when using LingQ.
After reading your post, I checked on articles, magazines, and even a book I’m reading…Not often, but sometimes, and even in this book, I found capital letters without accents! So, be prepared to encounter these ‘mistakes’ in French books as well.

I would say that the lake of accents is another ‘liberty’ taken with the language, as the double negation, which has to be used in French, is since it is less and less used in speeches even though there are many sentences when double negation is mandatory.
I do not agree with all of these ‘liberty’ of languages but it is a fact that they exist and that I take it some of them as well sometimes :frowning:

** I will go back to beginner contents and make the necessary changes :slight_smile:
I understand that it might be confusing. Thanks for pointing this out YLearner.

Questions and comments that I read here and there on the forum are great to think about our own language and as a consequence, to pay attention to things that we never thought about before. This thread is one of them.