Please join our Youtube group and talk about your experiences at LingQ

cool idea, I posted a video as well

err link doesn’t seem to work here is the direct one

I was most impressed with how you integrated screen shots of LingQ and the URL into your latest video. I must learn how to do this. I just turn on the webcam and talk. I think your way is more interesting. I will have to try to learn how to do it your way.

Hi Steve, Thank you for your nice words. It took me a while to figure out how to do a video in this way, but I had an idea how the video should be. I found a free German version of Camtasia Studio 3 (I wrote about this in another post). Camtasia Studio 3 is not the latest version but it works fine for my purpose.

First I record the video with the webcam-software. Then I record the videos from the screen with Camtasia and exported the video as a wmv. Then I use PIP (Picture in Picture) and Callouts to put all parts together and produce the video. At the end I exported it as a wmv and upload it in YouTube.

I can offer you some hardcopies how I do this. You find some nice videos about these techniques here:

Hi everyone, I recorded a fourth video for YouTube in German: Why it is paying off to create a lot of LinQs. I hope you like.

Hallo, ich habe ein viertes Video für YouTube in Deutsch aufgenommen: Warum es sich lohnt, viele LingQs zu erstellen. Ich hoffe, es gefällt Euch.

Link: Warum es sich lohnt, viele LingQs anzulegen - YouTube

By the way, I would love to see more videos of LingQ users on YouTube! I want to encourage everyone to make a video!


I am traveling right now, and in fact sitting in a meeting where I cannot play your video. I did something wrong when I tried to link the Wiki and LingQPlaza to my blog, and I lost the content spread sheet link at the same time. I will do something about this when I return to Vancouver. Thanks for your wonderful efforts, including the new content!

Wow cool Steve, using LingQ while sitting in a meeting!

Vincent asked on a comment at YouTube why I don’t do an English video. So I did a try: Here is my first video in English. I explain why I think that my active and my passive vocabulary are close together. Active vocabulary - YouTube

Or use the link to the group LingQ Plaza and look out for the newest videos:

Maybe I should concentrate on my learning :slight_smile:

I posted a video response to Vera’s video:

Keep the videos coming. Great stuff! I must say, though that a video with no webcam is not as effective as actually seeing the person.

Yes, I know. But unfortunately I don’t have a webcam.
I think it’s better than no video at all, perhaps?

I wish more people would partizipate on LingQPlaza!

Ich habe ein neues Video für YouTube über LingQ in Deutsch aufgenommen. Ich erkläre, warum sich meiner Meinung nach Gespräche mit den Betreuern von LingQ lohnen. Ich hoffe, es gefällt Euch! Ich mache diese Videos übrigens, um Werbung für LingQ zu machen. Bitte bewertet das Video, wenn ihr es mögt. Bedenkt, dass gute Bewertungen einen höheren Werbeeffekt für LingQ bedeuten.

I recorded a new video for YouTube in German: Why it is worth to speak with a LingQ tutor. I hope you like. By the way, the idea behind these videos is to promote LingQ. Please vote, if you like it.

Link: Warum sich Gespräche mit den Betreuern lohnen - YouTube

You can easily feel overwhelmed by all this new things related to LingQ.
Forum: Members, only for internal use; cannot be found by search engines.
Wiki: Members and maybe found by search engines. I would think the focus is on members.
LingQPlaza on YouTube: Videos for members; can be find by search engines. Videos can be instruction videos or a kind of promotion. Everything is possible.
Blog LingQCentral (for different languages): Everything is possible.
LingQ group on facebook: Everything is possible. It’s closely related to the blog.
LingQ on Twitter: Everything is possible. It’s closely related to the blog.
Videos from YouTube can be embedded to the wiki, the blog and facebook. Posts on the blog are automatically added to facebook and Twitter. All things are closely related to the others.
Hopefully every little piece will help.
The big question is which of all these efforts will pay off :slight_smile:

Ich habe ein neues Video für YouTube über LingQ in Deutsch aufgenommen. Ich erkläre, warum es sich meiner Meinung lohnt, Schreibarbeiten von den Betreuern von LingQ korrigieren zu lassen. Ich hoffe, es gefällt Euch! Ich mache diese Videos übrigens, um Werbung für LingQ zu machen. Bitte bewertet das Video, wenn ihr es mögt. Bedenkt, dass gute Bewertungen einen höheren Werbeeffekt für LingQ bedeuten.

I recorded a new video for YouTube in German: Why it is worth to submit writings and get a correction by a LingQ tutor. I hope you like. By the way, the idea behind these videos is to promote LingQ. Please vote, if you like it.

Link: Warum es sich lohnt, Schreibarbeiten korrigieren zu lassen - YouTube

Remember, there is a LingQ Group on Youtube:

Ich habe mir das Video soeben angeschaut und finde es ausgezeichnet gemacht. Auch habe ich das Andere gesehen, das Du vor einer Weile gemacht hast. Sie werden für Deutschsprechender gewiss von Nutzen sein!

Hallo Chris, Danke für das Lob. Das freut mich natürlich sehr!
Ich habe ein neues Video für YouTube über LingQ in Englisch aufgenommen: Wie man beginnen kann, Deutsch bei LingQ zu lernen. Das Video soll neue Lerner anziehen. Außerdem soll es eine kleine Einführung sein, wie man Inhalte aus der deutschen Bibliothek auswählt. Ich hoffe, es gefällt Euch! Ich mache diese Videos übrigens, um Werbung für LingQ zu machen. Bitte bewertet das Video, wenn ihr es mögt. Bedenkt, dass gute Bewertungen einen höheren Werbeeffekt für LingQ bedeuten.

Hi Chris, Thank you for your nice comment. I’m glad about such reactions.
I recorded a new video for YouTube in English: How to start learning German with LingQ. It should attract new learners to the website. Also it is a short introduction for learners of German how they could choose content from the German library. I hope you like. By the way, the idea behind these videos is to promote LingQ. Please vote, if you like it.

Link: How to start learning German - YouTube

Here again the Link to the LingQ Group on Youtube:

I added 3 videos of my conversation with Spanish tutor Berta. I am nowhere near as fluent in a foreign language as David or Keith, but I do enjoy my conversations.

I recorded a new video for YouTube in English: Some thoughts about conversations with tutors. This video should help you, as a learner, to choose a tutor. In addition, it could give tutors an idea of what students expect. Shortly, there will be to more videos about this subject. I hope you like. By the way, the idea behind these videos is to promote LingQ. Please vote, if you like it.

Ich habe ein neues Video für YouTube über LingQ in Englisch aufgenommen. Ich habe mir Gedanken über Gespräche mit Betreuern gemacht. Das Video soll Lernenden helfen, einen Tutor auszuwählen. Außerdem kann es Betreuern Anregungen liefern, was Studenten erwarten. Ich hoffe, es gefällt Euch! Demnächst folgen noch zwei weitere Videos zu diesem Thema. Ich mache diese Videos übrigens, um Werbung für LingQ zu machen. Bitte bewertet das Video, wenn ihr es mögt. Bedenkt, dass gute Bewertungen einen höheren Werbeeffekt für LingQ bedeuten.

Link: Some thoughts about conversations with tutors - YouTube

Remember, there is a LingQ Group on Youtube: