Please join our Youtube group and talk about your experiences at LingQ


Try Jing or some other software maybe.

Well, we have at least 4 video cameras in our house and I don’t know how to use any of them! That’s my first technical problem…then I’ll worry about how to upload to YouTube.

If we had a LingQ wiki we could all soon knock up a how-to guide on how to produce and upload a tutorial video to LingQ Plaza. Just a thought…

I know nothing about Wikis. Can someone start one?

With regard to LingQ Plaza, here is what I think is the best way to proceed.

I think that we should put up videos of ourselves speaking to a webcam and talking about how we use LingQ and what we like. I think that the videos should be no longer than 2 minutes long. They can focus on certain favourite aspects of LingQ if you want. They should be aimed primarily at the the newcomer to get them started.

We could link to the Plaza from the landing page. “Want to know what LingQ is all about? Listen to our tutors and users”

Our main concern is to get people started. I am afraid that detailed videos with screen shots may confuse people. Mark has started a Wiki ( see this thread and that is where we should put detailed comments about how to get the most out of the site. We could link to screen shot type videos from there.

What do you think?

I should add that for those of you who are shy about appearing in video, you can use other still pictures or videos of your country or stills of the LingQ site. I just think that a detailed step by step through the site might be overload for the beginner.

I tried Jing but I think they wanted me to upgrade to a paid version to be able to post it on YouTube. So do you think I should abandon the video I was doing and go for something a more beginner-friendly? I’ll have a play around with it again tonight but if I get stuck I’ll leave it 'til the weekend.

It looks like you could create different topics in the Youtube group. Then videos showing the site could be put or uploaded into its own topic, videos of people talking about why they use the site could be in another topic and so on.

You are going to need different categories on the LingQ plaza, because as soon as I figure out the technology I want to do about a dozen videos! They are going to need tags and stuff so people can easily find the ones they are interested in.

I added a video to LingQ Plaza (in German): Die ideale Sprachenlernseite für mich. You find it on Youtube: Die ideale Seite zum Sprachenlernen für mich - YouTube

You can find the text and the audio on the LingQ Library too in the collection “Veras Corner”: Login - LingQ

It was my first attempt recording a video. I tried out different things. This is the best that I got with my poor equipment (and the environment, our dining room). Also I know that I’m not as attractive as Steve :slight_smile:

Ganz toll, Vera! There’s no way that one would guess that this is a first attempt!

Wow, Vera! That’s great! Thanks for doing this!

I’ve also posted a video on LingQ plaza - it’s a video of my conversation with Albert (Alsuvi) yesterday in Spanish. It’s not as short and sweet as Vera’s video:), actually it’s quite long, but I hope you all like it nonetheless:

And if you’re looking for a Spanish teacher, Albert is great!

Haha whoops I posted from my mom’s account without realizing, as I was showing her how to use LingQ recently! Anyway, thanks SanneT!

Wow! That’s some conversation! I don’t understand Spanish but it looked pretty good to me. :slight_smile:

Hi David, I do not understand Spanish, but it’s nice and well done!

Hi everyone, I recorded a second video for YouTube in German about Independent learning (with LingQ). I hope you like.
More episodes will follow the next days.

Thank you mark and Vera, I much appreciate your comments:)

Great video Vera! I especially like how you incorporated images from LingQ into the video:)

Thank you David. I appreciate your comment too.
I thought that putting some views of LingQ on the video wouldn’t be as boring as to see my face for the whole time :slight_smile:
It took me some time to figure out how to do this, but I think it fine for the second video that I ever recorded.

Thanks David for sharing this conversation in Spanish! Muchas gracias!! I enjoy it.
Vera, as for me, I don’t understand German but you did great with these videos :slight_smile:

Steve, it was a good idea you have had! It is a good advertisement for Lingq…I hope it will bring about something…