Please join our Youtube group and talk about your experiences at LingQ

I have created a group at Youtube.

I have placed a few videos there in different languages and hope to do more. It would be great if some of our members could create some simple videos of themselves talking about how the use LingQ.

Please go an have a look, and then, don’t be shy. Create a video. It can be anything. It can be just you talking to the camera, or you can use Jing or some other software to showcase how you use the site.

I plan to do that next.

I will try to make one too asap.

In order to make LingQ successful, we need to do three things.

  1. continue to improve it
  2. make more people aware of it
  3. help more people understand it and get started

We are working on 1) and appreciate all of your feedback.

We need you all to help get the word out. The LingQPlaza is one step since it is a place where we can all talk about LingQ and then direct people to go there.

I would be interested to know how you would evaluate the videos at LingQPlaza as something to show the newcomer to LingQ in order to motivate them make the effort to figure out LingQ, to use our Help, demo videos, etc, and to figure it out and get started. As more videos are placed there I look forward to your comments.

I’ve set myself up with one of those capture programs now so I’ll try to do one on the weekend as well.

I am willing to help anyone who might be able to use my help. If you don’t have recording software, I am able to record on Skype. If it is easier for you to talk about LingQ with someone rather than just talking to the camera, I can be your audience or conversation partner for the recording. If you don’t have (and don’t want) a YouTube account, I could upload the video to my account and post it in the LingQPlaza.

I recommend linking the lingqplaza youtube account to the Lingq facebook fanpage.

And just how do we do that?

I think the same person who set up the LingQ Facebook Fan page (or someone he “makes admin” on the page) has to do it. It is possible by installing a Facebook “app” to the page. I think the app is called YouTube Box…

In fact I think it is already installed now that I look at the LingQ Facebook Fan page and it is connecting to the “lingosteve” . So if possible a second Youtube account, lingqplaza, could be linked.

Another possibilty is for the LingQ FBook page “owner” to enable fans (there is a box he has to tick somewhere) to upload video to the FBook fan page directly. ALthough you would be splitting the destinations for the videos between Facebook and Youtube.

@Keith: what a generous offer. I may well want to take you up on it, towards the end of November if it were still on then. I grew up writing with slate pencils onto slate boards, so technology ain’t my forte!

SanneT, you can find my Skype name in my profile or post on my LingQ Wall when you are ready.

Woah! I might take you up on that too Keith.

I’ve been writing some blog posts with a view to videoing them, but I hadn’t thought through any of the technicalities yet.

@skyblueteapot, Sure thing! Contact me anytime!

Hey everybody! Where are your LingQ Plaza videos? I hope to see some new ones soon.

I got a bit carried away and wrote scripts for about 10 of them :slight_smile:

Gonna do some recording today while the little one is at nursery school.

Helen, your scripts are very inspiring! I guess I could write something similar - and if I had a video camera I’d consider recording some of them.

@Keith, I’ve been trying to get one up there. I’ve been using ScreenToaster to make the recording. Finally, and I mean finally, I succeeded in recording a video but I was having problems uploading it onto YouTube and the page froze, but not before I managed to upload the file to my account with ScreenToaster. Then I discovered that once you upload something onto this site, it can no longer be downloaded or sent to YouTube. How thoughtful! This is sooooooo frustrating!! If you can find a way of doing this, I would be very grateful.

The link for the video is:

Peter, apparently, you have to upload to YouTube first. If you do it again, be sure to save as .mov before publishing.

How can I download my video in .mov and .swf?

  1. Once you have recorded a video, you can stream a preview of it.
  2. Click on the "Save as .mov (or .swf) button.
  3. Click on “Proceed”.
  4. The downloading process will start.

The video looked really good in full screen view.

Thanks mate. I think I’m just frustrated because it’s taken me so many attempts to get one right. Maybe I’ll just record myself playing that video back and then re-record the audio over it? I’m sure that by tomorrow I will have forgotten all about it and I’ll be ready to start again. I had no idea that a website could get under my skin like that! :S

I found a free version of Camtasia Studio 3 in German which works fine. I describe how to get it on the German forum: Programm Zum Aufzeichnen Des Bildschirms (Z.B. Für Youtub...

Next days I will try to create a video, but this will be a new experience for me.