Oct 8 is a special day

Oct 8 is a special day. It’s somebody’s birthday! (literally “somebody” HA) It’s Steve’s birthday!
I chose this special happy birthday song for you.

Happy birthday, Steve.

Happy birthday, Steve!

Happy birthday! I wish you more and more success with LingQ.
Have a nice day!

Happy birthday, Steve :slight_smile:

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday, Steve!

Many happy returns!

happy birthday!!

Happy Birthday, Steve! :smiley:

Happy birthday Stave, I wish all your dreams come true.

Happy Birthday, Steve! Have a wonderful day!

Happy Birthday, Steve!


Happpppppy Birthday, Steve!

Steve, I wish you all for the best in whatever you want. Today is your day! Enjoy the day :slight_smile:


Happy Birthday, Steve!

What a pleasant feeling to come to the computer and find these friendly greetings. It is my birthday and I am off to play hockey. My brother is visiting from Toronto and tonight we will have a big dinner. The world economy may be struggling, but the sun is shining in Vancouver (and it is ).

Yesterday I was on national television in Canada in French which generate lots of new members. That was my first birthday present. I may get a few more tonight.

Thank you all.

С днем рождения!

Gelukkige verjaardag!

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag Steve! :slight_smile: