Oct 8 is a special day

By the way, I will be in Europe for three weeks in November and hope to meet as many of you as possible. Please advise the cities where you all live and as my schedule develops I will let you know.

Well, I already greeted you by email, but I would like to reinforce my best wishes to you, Steve.
Feliz Aniversário!!!

I’m envy of my European fellows…

Happy Birthday!!!

Happy belated, Steve!

Hi Steve, I hope you have had a pleasant birthday? And you say you will be in Europe shortly? Well then, I sure would like to meet you! I live in Amsterdam, and you are welcome to come and visit, or to do some sightseeing together if you have the time. If you do not have the time to visit Amsterdam, I will be happy to catch up with you in some city you will visit in Belgium, Germany or the Netherlands. Please let me know what your schedule is as soon as you have made one! I hope you will have a good time visiting Europe.

Thanks darbanville. I will get back to you as soon as I have worked out my itinerary. Looking forward to meeting you.


If you would visit Belgium, I could meet you there. I bet you haven’t been there before…because most people underestimate it.
Just let me know if you are interested.

Hi Steve,

Happy Birthday!

I soon have my birthday too.

And when you come to Europe it would be nice to meet you!

I am living in south-west Germany in Ludwigsburg, 15 km away from a big town Stuttgart.
