Norwegian Mini Stories

I was wondering if there is any time frame for when the Norwegian set of mini stories will be released?


Not sure exactly when at this moment, but I’ll try to have them up as soon as possible.


Are the stories complete?

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No, we don’t have anything done in Norwegian at the moment.

Any update on Norwegian Mini-Stories?

Also inquiring into this – is there something I can do to contribute (financial, outreach) to getting these mini-stories written / recorded / uploaded? I’ve asked in a few online communities for native speakers to take a look at the mini-story thread, but haven’t seen any responses – then again, asking someone to record 60 stories for little in return is probably a rough sell all-around.

Clearly we’re moving forward without the mini-stories in this community. However, perhaps there’s something we can do (community + LingQ) to push beta languages into fully-supported ones that has more teeth to it than what these threads seem to suggest? Steve is constantly referring people to the mini-stories in his videos, yet there doesn’t seem to be a straight forward path to getting them done.

Any ideas?


We have someone hired working on them at the moment. So we will probably have them in the Library in month or so.


Really looking forward to this. Thanks LingQ team!


Fabulous news!


Fantastic news, thanks for sharing this zoran!

I’m still completely open to the idea that was echo’d in the “Crowdsourcing Georgian conversations” (Crowdsourcing Georgian Conversations - Language Forum @ L...) – could be a great way to get mini-stories going for beta languages and also the circular questioning material that Steve has been talking about.

Tusen takk!

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Hi Zoran. Can you update us on the progress with the Norwegian mini-stories?

Both Norwegian and Finnish are still work in progress. I’ll do my best to have the first stories in both languages up before the end of July.


Any update Zoran? We were hoping to see these by the end of July. Thanks.


No, sorry. All I can confirm is that stories 1-5 will be delivered soon by person we may hire to do all 60, but it depends on how good first 5 stories will be. They should be delivered this week, and if they are good, they will be up on the site this week too. I am sorry to say that Norwegian, Malay and Latin are now only languages on the site without the mini stories.

Thanks. I am also dabbling in Latin, and could really use mini-stories for that language as well. Has anyone been approached about recording those?

Thank you for the update. I hope they are excellent, so all 60 can be procured.

Unfortunately nothing so far in Latin. But I’ll do my best to get those stories too. We need to have all stories done in all languages asap.

Are we still waiting for stories 1-5 or was the quality poor?

Still waiting for them.

How is this progressing? Have any of stories been recorded? Is there a new timeline for delivery and publication?