Norwegian Mini Stories

I just want to add myselft to the list of those excited to have Norwegian Mini Stories on Lingq! :slight_smile:

Unfortunately delivered stories were with terrible audio. Translations seems fine, but will need to find someone else to re-record them.

Iā€™m new to Lingqā€¦Are you likely to post the stories without audio for now, or do you prefer to wait until everything is finished before publishing?

Have you found someone else to re-record the mini-stories yet? Thanks.

Any update on the progress?

Iā€™ve got more translations, but still waiting for audios.

Any update Zoran?

I am afraid not, no news from volunteers working on it. I think we will just need to hire someone to have that completed. Iā€™ll look into it.

Again, this is where I would like to see a ā€œcrowdfundingā€ feature added to the site. Iā€™m positive there are several ā€œNorsklƦrereā€ that would be available to complete the material given clear requirements and compensation.

I love LingQ, but having people / employees chase down willing participants for these lessons is pretty flimsy ā€“ to say nothing about the business ethics of having material be ā€œbetaā€ for extended periods of time because of it.

Furthermore, Steve makes videos where he stresses the importance of the mini-stories. This is effectively the marketing heā€™s doing for LingQ (I know he doesnā€™t run it), and he probably funds the graduation of beta languages (or non-existent ones) of some of the languages heā€™s studying. We should have the same opportunity as paying customers.

Any update Zoran? What about hiring someone to get this done? I note that there are quite a few Norwegian tutors listed on LingQ. Have you contacted any of them about recording the mini-stories? The mini-stories ā€œgapā€ with this language has been unresolved for years. Steve mentions the usefulness of mini-stories in most of his YT videos. LingQ needs to get this resolved. Thanks.

Volunteers are working on it, but so far they only delivered translation for stories 1-10. No audios yet. I think we will hire someone to take care of it.

  1. has someone been hired to do the audio?
  2. If not, is there a timetable to do so?
  3. Would you roll out just 10 stories, or would you wait until all of them have been completed?

Nobody is hired at the moment, but will be within next few days.
As soon as first 10 stories are done, Iā€™ll put them up on the site, no need to wait for all 60 to be done. Thatā€™s how we did with other languages too.

Hi Zoran, will there be more Swedish stories added?

@byoung742 Will be soon, yes.

Any progress on the hiring Zoran?

@Ted_Gilmore Yes, the project is up on UpWork and I have invited lot of people to apply on it. So far 2 candidates but Iā€™ll wait for a few more days (no more than 4-5) as I am hoping to get better candidate. Iā€™ll make sure we get Norwegian Mini Stories up on the site in April.

Youā€™d think a language spoken in a rich country where English is nearly ubiquitous wouldnā€™t be so difficult to get the mini-stories recorded in. Hopefully one of these candidates will come through.

@Zoran I did forward your UpWork post to the tutors I speak with on italki. I donā€™t know if they did or will apply, but maybe!

@noxialisrex Thanks for that! Much appreciated!