New Tutors

Mike, Please go to the Speak page and follow the instructions on the right hand side. When you set up a discussion in Italian let me know and I will sign up. The best times for me are your evening time, which is my morning. Thanks.

I am native in both English and Spanish (studied english in school since kindergarten, and grew up pefecting Spanish in my family) I’m interested in learning both French and Portuguese here, but I stumbled upon tutoring, and would love to help others learn spanish, or english. I’m going to keep checking around to find it, but if anyone coud help me find where i can apply to be a tutor, I would greatly appreciate it.

 - Anthony Diaz

@duo9111 - All members can tutor in whatever languages they like. Just go to the Settings page and indicate the languages in which you would like to host conversations and/or correct writing.

I’m not exactly sure about how this works. I’ve already update my account settings so I’m registered as a Portuguese tutor (both for hosting conversations and correcting writing). I figured out how to host conversations, but I don’t think I understood how correcting writing works. Do I have to have someone pick me as their tutor for that? Do I have to make some advertising so people know they can choose me?


Once you have identified yourself as a writing corrector for a language, you will be searchable in the friends list as a corrector for that language and people can find you that way. You can also, of course, mention on some of the forums that you are interested in correcting writing. Good luck!

I’d like to be a correct tutor in my native language (Portuguese) / Gostaria de ser corretor de textos da minha língua nativa (português). Além de ser falante nativo da língua, posso fazer observações e correções gramaticais.

To be a corrector just go to the Settings page and choose the language you want to correct.

I would like to be a translator and get the points. I am not exactly sure how to start tho. I was born speaking English and Punjabi and am extremely fluent in both languages. But, how would i start tutoring others or editing written composures?

You can find the answers to your questions in the appropriate FAQ sections.

For the Speak FAQ, go here: Tutor Help
For the Write FAQ, go here: Write Help

Quick question, I thought tutoring is for anyone that want to do it? I was reading through the forum and seeing something about a tutoring manual and being a basic member. I scheduled some tutoring slots and I have one person signed up for tomorrow. Do I need to get permission to do this? is it ok? I would really like to know, I’m excited about doing this but I don’t want to do something wrong/against the system. so if anyone could let me know that would be great.

hey you can void my last comment, i didnt see that there was a second page oops so I kind of freaked out lol. so I see that any member can tutor.

I’m interested in being an English tutor (I am a professional ESL teacher offline) but it’s very difficult to find info about tutoring on this site!

Actually it’s REALLY hard to figure out how to tutor on this site. I’ve been surfing around for a few hours and still feel totally confused, even with a member helping.

Go to Speak page and follow the instructions on the right hand side

Want to be a tutor?
Tutor other members and earn points!

How do I host conversations?