Jaroslav and others. We are keen to add tutors, since different tutors have different time slots available and different interests. However, we are technically not able to do this for now. We are working on it.
We will require that our tutors have saved at least 200 LingQs in the system, and are at least Basic members.
All prospective tutors will receive a tutors manual and will be personally interviewed by me.
Can you be a tutor in a language you are not currently learning? I am new to lingQ, so I’m not sure what tutors do but I am very interested. My first language is English, my second language is Spanish (which I have been studying for 11 years) and I am currently trying to learn italian. I am interested in tutoring for Spanish. My main question is, “What is the process to becoming a tutor?”
Are you still interested in more tutors? For what it’s worth, I expressed interest last June/July, and late November, and in December I was told “next week sometime”.
Perhaps there aren’t that many members who want to sign up for events, but what about written assignments? If nothing else. I’m online every day and probably can respond “immediately” (or close to), without letting learners wait for several days (so I’ve heard…).
Just thougth I’d let you all know that “Blindside70” has submitted a writing on the English tutor page, but I think it is written in Spanish. It would be best for a Spanish tutor to pick it up.
I don´t have access to the English Correction List and perhaps other Spanish tutors either, maybe Mark can help us to move it to the correct Correction List.
It looks like you owe Marg a progress report from March when she was a Plus member and had you as her tutor. Please complete and send the report. You can just comment on her progress now. Look at her statistics and any other interaction you have had with her. If a Plus or Premium member has you as Personal Tutor you must send this monthly report when it appears in your list.
That’s weird I think that the first time I saw that report I checked to see if she was my student and she wasn’t. My only interaction with her was in january when I did a writing correction.
I would like to teach the Arabic language to anyone who is interested especially if they would like to exchange English or French. It will be my pleasure go to my skype address to have a conversation and learn more vocabulary, etc.
I would like to teach the Arabic language to anyone who is interested especially if they would like to exchange English or French. It will be my pleasure go to my skype address to have a conversation and learn more vocabulary, etc.
Audacity is free, works on most common OS’s and is relatively user friendly. Any sound recording software that complies with the audio format (mp3 etc see Help for details) is good though .
By the way, we have added sprachenfreak and lingQuser as tutors for English.
Faisal, great to have you here. We hope to add Arabic in the future and you can become a tutor with us if you want. Meanwhile, good luck with your English and French studies. The more you listen and read, and the more LingQs you save, the faster you will improve.