New Tutors

I’ve just come across this thread and here it says you need 200 points? in the manual it said 100. Also what is required to become a “basic member”? does that mean I have to pay something? In any case currently learning Kana so I can then read the other texts and get them points…

Hi, are you interested in a new Spanish tutor? I’m enjoying LingQ a lot in my English studies, and I’d also like to get involved in the tutor side. I’ve seen in the Spanish page that most of the Spanish tutors are from Latin America, so I think it would be interesting to have another native speaker from Spain, from Barcelona. Just more to choose!


If you sign on as a tutor then I’d sign up for conversations with you, as I learned Spanish in Spain and would like to continue learning castellano.

By the way, do you speak catalan as well?


Mark will set you up today. Thank you very much.

Thank you Steve.

It would be a pleasure David. And yes, I speak Catalan as well. I’m perfectly bilingual being my mother from the North West of Spain (León) and my father from Catalonia. It would be really great if LingQ would offer Catalan as a learning language! I’d be really pleased to create lessons and stuff!


You are now a tutor. I listened to the Los Trucos de los Magos. It is excellent, and providing normal speed and slow is very helpful. I hope we can offer Catalan one day.

Thank you Steve! I’ll try to do it in all my new contents. I think it’s really interesting for the students! And you can count on me for the Catalan if ever…

It might be a good idea to put link to your profile in your description too.

I’m wonder how this tutor thing works. I’m a native English speaker from Australia with no teaching experience. I never learnt grammar in school but I would enjoy conversing with people, correcting texts and so forth.

Steve, is there anything in particular that a tutor needs to know? I feel that I can speak English well but that I might not be able to give an explanation for every little quirk of this crazy language. Any thoughts?

YLearner: Google is Your Friend. With a little practice you can google grammar questions and hold a conversation at the same time :wink:


Please check out the tutors manual at LingQCentral’s FAQs.

You mostly have to maintain an interesting conversation and just explain by saying “this is how we say it in English” When stuck go to Google as Helen says.

Shall I ask Mark to add you as a tutor? It would be great to have some 'Strine here.


I’m an English teacher in the real world, but I’m increasingly disenchanted, I feel like the methods that I’m supposed to use in the classroom are not useful to help people learn a new language. I’d like to create content and do some tutoring since I want a degree of freedom to help people learn the best way I know how.

Do I have to sign up for a basic membership or something? I’ve read over the parts of the tutor manual that talk about what a tutor is required to do, and I’m familiar with using lingQ.

haha @ Strine :wink:

Yeah I’ll give it a go. Steve.

I’m going to sign up for basic membership next Thursday. (Have I understood correctly that this is a requirement?)

We are very close to changing our tutor set up to make it easier for people to become tutors and for us to track what they are doing. I would prefer that both of you, YLearner and bobafruit, and anyone else, wait a week or two. We definitely want you as tutors.

That’s great Steve.

I’m still getting used to the site, so that’s perfectly fine. In the meantime, I’ll continue learning!


I e-mailed Steve but forgot to mention that I would also like to tutor Spanish. I put that I was learning Spanish on my profile to see about advanced lessons. I ahve studied it for seven years and it is my major in college.
I would like to tutor English and Spanish.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused,
Kind regards,

Elizabeth. As I said in my email response, anyone can tutor here. Just follow the information on the Speak page. We prefer that non-native speaker tutors direct their efforts towards beginner learners who share their own native language. Normally, the tutors are native speakers. The choice is with the learner. We hope to clear up the Speak page soon, so that it will be easier to find the tutor of your choice.

HI Steve,

Thanks for the response. I will direct my Spanish tutoring to beginners. I can offer intermediate and advanced conversations in english as it is my native language. Are writing corrections assigned to specific tutors? Does this mean that I must wait for an assignment to be assigned to me?


Hi Steve I just emailed you a moment ago. I would like to teach/tutor any variety of levels in my native language of English as well as being made available to teach/tutor beginner and or intermediate levels of Spanish. Naturally, along with tutoring I would like to begin adding meaningful content in English. I’ve already read the tutoring manual and am wondering what the next step might be. Resume? Skype interview?

Hi Steve. I am willing to be a tutor for written assignments in Italian and in the languages I know best. Is there anything else I am expected to do after stating this on my profile settings, which I have already done? I have read that thevprevious posters have sent you an e-mail and suppose I should also do so, but I don’t know exactly what I should write in it…