New Dictionary Options, Fresh New Look

Oh, very good, thank you!

Hi Mark,

Is it possible to add the following dictionary for Japanese>English


Sure, Ed. I’ve added it for Ja-En, En-Ja and Ja-Ja.

Thanks Mark,

I found another

Hi Ed,

I think we have enough Japanese-English dictionaries. :slight_smile: It does take time to add these and we’re only interested in adding more dictionaries if they cover a language combination we don’t cover already or are significantly better than anything we have.

haha you’re right.:slight_smile:

Of the following dictionary choices in Japanese

  • Babylon
    * Google Translate
    * WordReference
    * ALC
    * Yahoo!辞書
    * Google Images

I find there is RARELY anything available in Babylon or WordReference. Perhaps could be substituted for one of them, (or another useful dictionary)

I think WordReference is absolutely fantastic for French, but even with Spanish I found it to be not very useful. Now I mainly use Google for Spanish.

When I click on a word to add a lingQ, I often get various options. This is normal and they are often the same of very similar.

I’ve noticed for one French word that both definitions of father and brother are given!
And another has both right and straight.

I’m unsure of how to deal with this and have not bothered learning those words yet.

Any hints?

I think the translations that are given are often good, but sometimes they are not. If you’re in doubt, just look it up and save it yourself. The options that come up are ones that have been saved by other members on LingQ.

Also there is the factor of different contexts.

I’m going to use the dictionary from now on, and hopefully that fixes the situation.

Also, I’ve found the need to edit the sentences examples myself. Most of them don’t work very well so you get half of two sentences, of the end and start of another. It takes a little more time to edit them correctly but I found that when reviewing them, it’s far more effective.

Yeh, it’s true about the contexts. I get frustrated when I end up with half sentences, but I love being able to save the word without stopping!

So far I’ve only worked through 2 lessons, so I’m probably best doing them nice and slowly when I add them as LingQs.

One thing I do like, clicking on known! :smiley:

Me too. I always edit the sentences. If it’s a simple edit, I’ll do it right away as a LingQ is created. If the edit looks like it’d take a bit of time, I’ll wait till when I’ve done the whole lesson. It’s probably worth explaining how I do it so that newcomers can understand the process:

  1. When I’ve finished a lesson, i.e. after I’ve clicked on the “I Know All” icon, I’d right-click the pencil icon so that I can open the LingQs list in a new window.

  2. In the new vocabulary window, I make sure that the LingQs are sorted by Creation Date. This is necessary so that the new LingQs I’ve just created float to the top of the list.

  3. Then I’d go back to the original window and click on the printer icon so that the lesson is now in print mode. This is necessary so that the text can be copied and pasted.

  4. So now I have two LingQ windows: the vocabulary window and the lesson window. I am ready to go down the list of LingQs in the vocabulary windows and edit them. This usually involves copying and pasting text from the lesson window. For example, the new lingQ created is “apple”. I go back to the original text to find where the word “apple” appears. I then decide how to copy the sentence to make it most meaningful to me when revising it in future. Occasionally, the original text may not be all that meaningful. In that case, I’d copy an example sentence from a dictionary. On rare occasions, I might need to google for a new sentence.

This edit process may take a bit of time, but I get to review all the new LingQs created. Also the LingQs are meaningful to me. When I do the flashcards, they become a lot more useful.

This is similar to what I’ve been doing. Good to know I’m not crazy. :smiley:

Also, I listen to some French while I’m editing.

I want to add that now that Mark has added Google Images to the dictionaries of all languages, when you are editing the Hint of a LingQ, it’s often worthwhile - especially the word is a noun - to click on the Google Images link before you close the LingQ window just to see what kind of images you might find. For example a few days ago, I learned the new Spanish word “barretina”. The hint of this word is:

A barretina is a traditional Catalan hat that was frequently worn by men.

This explanation is as good as any. Still, I won’t be able to tell a barretina when I see it. However I won’t have any problem recognizing it after seeing these Google Images:

That’s sounds very interesting, regarding Google Images. I wonder if it would help having images of the words (where applicable) shown in the background of Flashcards to help us get used to the vocab.

You are talking about Dictionary. And I want to say that I am reluctant to learn German because of the slowness of the action to lingq a german word to french. Indeed when I want to have the meaning of a word, I click on it, a LingQ windows open itself and the a "internet " windows opens itself too with the page of Sensagent or an other dictionary on-line. Then I have to copy and paste. It is a very long process moreover when we have 100 new words in a text.
Have you this same problems of slowness?

Hi Cecile,

First of all, hopefully there are previous hints available from German to French. There should be some and obviously more will be created over time so you won’t have to go to the dictionary. The only other thing I can suggest is that you don’t close the dictionary window each time you search a word. Just copy the definition and return to the LingQ window without closing the dictionary. Then, the next time you look up a word, the browser window won’t have to load which will make things faster for you.

HI Mark,
It’s exactly what I am doing, I don’t close the windows, but it takes some seconds to download the new page. And yes, hopefully, some words have the hints already created by other people.