Netflix Import doesnt work + Workaround

LingQ only imports the first half of the Netflix Show i am watching. I tried it multiple times, but it always cuts off at the same part.

I am using Chrome Version 126.0.6478.127 (Mac) and LingQ Extension Version 2.3.13
Series: My Name (Episode 1) Import cuts off at 35:20
Episode 2 works fully though

I have read that many other users have had similar problems in the past. Back then the Support Team said they would look into it…
FYI: This error is still not fixed…

You can manually extract Netflix subtitles as XML

Afterwards transform the downloaded XML to TXT and import it into LingQ


It’s been working for me recently, but months ago I had the exact same problem.
In any event, thanks for posting the workaround. Good to have alternatives when things don’t work.


Thanks, I’ll ask our team to look into this again.

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I’m having the same issue. In my case, the importer is not picking up the subtitles at all. To reproduce try importing this Chef’s table episode: Watch Chef's Table: France | Netflix Official Site

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Do you have issue with that specific video only or anything you try to import from Netflix?

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With everything I’ve tried so far. Sometimes the importer is able to pull up more text, but it doesn’t line up with the episode.

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Thanks, we’ll check that.


Lingq will only import half of the subtitles from Netflix. I’ve used both Safari and Chrome.

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I also have this issue. I have tried on an android tablet and a windows PC.
I have tried browsers… Explorer, Google, and Firefox.
When I try to import any kind or original Japanese movie, TV series, live action or anamei, I can only get the first 10 to 18 minutes and that is all.
I am using the Canadian netflix, does that make a difference?

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That shouldn’t make any difference. Are you on the latest extension version?

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Yes, I keep checking for something newer, but nothing else.

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Thanks, I’ll check this with our team.

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I also can not import from the disney channel or any kind of web video. U tube doesn’t work either. I am using windows 10. Fire fox is my preferred browser.

When I try from the disney channel, it doesn’t capture the Japanese. Only the 1st few minutes and lists the production companies in English only.

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What are you unable to import from YT? Can you provide some examples?
We don’t support importing from Disney+ at the moment.

Using MacOS, Chrome+Extension I’m still unable to import Netflix-Subtitles fully. Tried importing the first episode of Suburra using Italian subtitles. Import worked but is incomplete. The subtitles start at a random timestamp. Multiple attempts had the same result.

@mr.holland Regarding incomplete imports, we are working on it and we hope to push a fix soon.

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