Many languages= BAD

The fact we have thousands of languages in the world is a BAD thing. It doesn’t “enrich” us- it creates divisions and hampers communication. How many languages are optimal and which should those be? no idea and not up to me. However, as the world becomes more globalized lesser used languages tend to slowly wither away (eg. some canadian native languages), and I think that’s a GOOD thing. Go back a a bit in history (or look at some parts of Africa/india/etc today) and almost many settlements/villages/etc have their own dialect/language/distinct way of speaking.
Of course, India is epic cause while everyone has their dialect, everyone who is remotely educated also speaks English- that’s a good way for the world to develop. However, some countries like mine, due to our tv shows being dubbed into Ukrainian instead of using subtitles and other factors, really suck at english.

almost every settlement**

How about many languages is just many languages, not good, not bad, just many languages? Those who want to speak them and learn them, do, others don’t.

I couldn’t agree more Steve.

Let’s make another question. Why are there so many national fuball leagues? So many futball clubs? Wouldn’t it be better just to have two teams and everything would be much simpler?

The protolanguage broke into 1M languages, what makes you think that a future joint hypothetinc language wouldn’t?

The enthropy just have to increase! And we are here to enjoy it! :slight_smile:

Each language give us an opportunity to learn about the way each people see the world and their culture.
Some times it hampers communication but with the tools we have nowadays, both to learn languages and to translate, it is become a little easier to understand each other.

Yuri, replace the word languages in your post with the word ideas and reread it.

Yuri, maybe we could start by deleting your native language in order to have less languages in the world.

@OscarP fine by me- let’s all speak english

"Yuri, replace the word languages in your post with the word ideas and reread it. "

  • languages aren’t ideas- they are different ways, protocols, if you will, of transmitting them. Imagine if instead of TCP/IP we were to have thousands of competing ones- the internet wouldn’t exist and would be limited to small networks.

Also, I’m happy that my country every town does NOT have it’s own language.

Ah but in your country they speak Ukrainian. Why is this necessary when we have Russian? Maybe we should get all Slavs to speak Russian. This would simplify life. Then I could just use Russian in most of Eastern Europe. ( We could probably get the Romanians, Hungarians and Balts to give up their unnecessary languages. While we are at it, why not get rid of the Cyrillic alphabet and just use the Latin alphabet. Much simpler. Yes and let’s get rid of cases and gender in this new Latin Russian, that would make it easier to learn.

Yuri, a language is not a protocol, is part very important of the culture of a country. You can’t “delete” a language without “deleting” the culture.

Omg Steve, I don’t want to learn Russian. I have “enjoyed” it at elementary school. Since then I have nightmares. :-))

I’m not suggesting a deletion of languages, rather, that the current trend of some lesser-used languages dying out is not a bad thing.

“Yuri, a language is not a protocol, is part very important of the culture of a country. You can’t “delete” a language without “deleting” the culture.”

  • If by “culture” you mean some written works then sure, I concur- when translated they sound nowhere near as good. If you mean the way of life, than a language change doesn’t seem relevant.

You are saying that a language is not a protocol.

" A protocol is a set of guidelines or rules"

Yuri, would italians be the same if they changed to German, for example?
or japaneses with Italian?
Language is more than a protocol.

@OscarP - while I wasn’t even advocating that, you mean if they suddenly spoke a different language? Please read my previous post.

@Yuri, are Americans, Brits, Australians, South Africans, Canadian and Jamaicans all the same because they speak the same language?

Sorry, I meant to direct the last comment to Oscar.

As for Yuri, the existence of a multitude of languages is an inevitable fact. If we all spoke the same language tomorrow, a few centuries or millenia would suffice to jumble everything up into multiple languages again.

Alexandrec, they share part of a common culture because of the language. It’s like in latinamerica, people from Argentina, Ecuador, Guatemala, are different, but they share part of a common culture (you can add Spain if you want).
My point is, if you loose your native language, you are loosing part of what you are, that is, part of your culture.

@alexandrec yeah I’m not advocating an international movement to wipe out languages or anything :slight_smile:

"If we all spoke the same language tomorrow, a few centuries or millenia would suffice to jumble everything up into multiple languages again. "

  • Here I disagree. In the past, languages were way more fluid due to illiteracy, isolation, and stuff, and there could be slight “mutations” everywhere- these days, especially because of the internet, while we may have some slang here and there I doubt Australians will be speaking something unintelligible to us in a few centuries. HOWEVER, if there was a nuclear war, and there were some survivors in Australia this could very well happen.