Many languages= BAD

@ OscarP if a language defines who you are then I feel very sorry for you indeed

@Yuri please read what I said: “My point is, if you loose your native language, you are loosing part of what you are, that is, part of your culture.”

I totally agree with OscarP!

If we lose our native language, we definitely lose our culture. The eskimos have more than 8 different words to “snow”. They can describe it in more than 8 different ways, as if they were all different things! Now Yuri, you want to tell us that if this people suddenly had to speak any other language, they wouldn’t have a cultural loss? Come on…

Hmmm I feel personally that the loss of those languages is a bad thing. I wouldn’t want them to just fade away for the sake of convince. And you don’t need language to create divisions or hamper communications, people will do that on their own, remember your high school? The work place? People will find a way to separate themselves according to one thing or another. If its not language then it will be something else… And I agree that language is a part of culture, like English wouldn’t have a word for a certain tribal dance, or a type of clothing or food. If the language is lost then the original name of that thing is lost. People will pick it up and wonder what it was called, but because the language is no longer spoken, they will never find out. Just think of how people discover ancient items and have no idea what they are saying or what they mean, because the language was over taken by more widely spoken ones and fell out of use. And with no records or native speakers, how are we to learn about the item or the culture that it was from? That really hampers communication does it not? Wow this is rather long… I afraid I might not have really made, or be seeing the point here…

fine! have your languages!
walks out and slams door