LingQ statistics

A number of members have questions or problems related to LingQs statistics. Some of these issues stem from the recent changes. Some are a result of not fully understanding how the statistics work. I know that Mark is aware of some of these issues.

If you have questions related to the statistics, please post them here.

I’m just among those who ‘not fully understand how the statistics work’. 12 hours ago I had 2126 points and, as a result of today’s work, the number of my points decreases up to 2101. I can’t get it at all.

The activity score is not related to points. They are two different things. The activity score measures your activity in the last 30 days only. Anything you did more than 30 days ago is not included. The score does not just continue to increase.

Has the Known/I Know All bug been fixed?
To reiterate, when I hover over a word highlighted in blue, and click Known, the total number of known words (in my profile) doesn’t update. When I click I Know All, however, the total number seems to update correctly.

A tad frustrating, because sometimes I open some advanced lessons and simply want to go through them marking all the words that I know. This decreases (or, rather, should decrease) the number of unknown words in the lesson (making it less intimidating), and increase the number of words I know (reassuring me).

Or am I one of those “not fully understanding” folks?

I am having two persisting problems with Updating Statistics:

  1. When I try to add to my words of writing, nothing updates. This is the only one I have a problem with - I can successfully add to my hours of speaking, hours of listening, words of reading, etc.

  2. When I click the “I Know All” button, it seems like it is adding all the words that were initially new and in blue to my known words total, even if I did not know them and created LingQs or Hints for them. I noticed this because I am a complete beginner in German, and there were a few times when I would read an item and literally have to look up everything, or all but 1 or 2 words, and when I would press the “I Know All” button at the end, it said that I was adding 40 or 50 new words to my total - definitely not true or possible. Even when I read stuff in Portuguese, where I end up knowing what a lot of the new words mean, there is still a slight discrepancy between the # of words that should be added and the # that are actually added - there are always more added than what is displayed on the right hand side as “New Words,” which gets updates as I go.

I hope this makes sense & that someone can find solutions soon!

Any word that you do not save while going through a text, should become a known word when you update or click on I Know All. As you save a blue word, the number of your New Words is reduced by one.

When you click on " I Know All", only the new words that are still listed as new, i.e. have not been saved, should be added to your known words total, I believe. It is not happening now.

I think that Mark may be on to this but we will correct it.

Learned words are words that you have moved to Status 4, manually or by going through flash cards. These are added to your known word total.

LingQ only tracks your words of writing that have been submitted for correction ( I think). I do not think you can add to this manually.

We are aware of the statistics issues. They have not been fixed yet. We hope to have them working properly within the next week. Thanks for your patience.

Before the update I was able to manually add words of writing, along with hours of listening, hours of speaking, etc. Now words of writing is the only thing I can’t add manually. Not a huge deal, it just would be nice to track it.

Most problems occur because of ignorance of the use of all the updates, or due to incorrect recording of data.
You have many practical rules in the “changing” the state: not yet final, is still evolving. Therefore, the user comes to the different modes of use (application) of these rules. Missing thus carefully defined procedures of how to proceed with the current changes.
Another problem which relates to the method of recording data. As an example: at a time when you buy this course FREE to recorded all the statistical activities. I am sure that most of the lessons at this stage only read and hear. Rare generate “LingQ’s Created” and “LingQ’s Learned”. The further you press the “Download” to actually cause that all untagged words into “Known Words.” Thus, erroneously, the data used to estimate the 'Known Words "in a later entry in the membership level BASIC, PLUS and PREMIUM. Highly noticeable to me. 7828 figures are not defended, none of the Advanced 1. However, this number is for beginners 1 marked too unrealistic. Data from the period FREE are misleading. Therefore, all would be not taken into account. In following sports: the heating time is not the time was to be achieved in a single race.
Another example: in one lesson, showing the counter in New Words 0. Under him, the “Flashcards” shows the 7 words. The second lesson is similar: New Words is 0 in the “Flashcards” is 4 words. Conclusion: in the previous version was apparently given to create “New hint” after that, when you have activated “Download”. All of these words (11) is quite normal that lead up to the level of the 4. Normally it would be that all 11 words lands “LingQ’s Learned”. There followed a surprise. Increase the “LingQ’s Created” for the 11. At the same time to increase the statistics in the “Known Words” to 7 in “LingQ’s Learned” for the 2. Conclusion: The majority of known issues from this title. Words are not going to go over the counter apparently uncontrolled his way.
Are these the facts already known Mark?

When we have completed the changes we will provide more explanation of how it works.

There are some issues related to statistics not working properly and we are working to fix these.

The statistics work the same way for all levels of membership.

The number of words that are available for the flash cards is the number of yellow words in the text, not the number of new words.

I do not know if I have answered your questions.

Tone, the number of New Words is the number of blue highlighted words in the text. These are words you have never seen before on LingQ. This number has nothing to do with the number of flashcards.

Hi Steve and Mark,
I deliberately left my current statistics in the state which I described in my fasting. It can therefore be checked on my account. The fact is that 11 words memorized land in the wrong column (LingQ’s Created) and not in LingQ’s Learned. Error is only in this last step.
Incidentally: the blue label to change to yellow with this when I choose “New hint”. Therefore, I believe that the number in the “New Words” has the same number of words in the “Flashcards”. Changes must occur in both simultaneously.

We are working on these issues. For now we will wait to see who else is having similar problems. Thank you.


When you click on an existing hint or “+ New Hint” the counter decreases by 1 because that word is no longer “New”. You have seen it and created a LingQ for it. That is also why your “Created LingQs” count increases by 1. A LingQ is not learned until it’s “status” has been moved to “4-Known”. Therefore, what you describe is working correctly.

The blue words are New Words. After you create a LingQ, they turn yellow and appear in the “My LingQs” list.

This is how it works (or is supposed to work):

  1. Words in blue go to your Known Words, if you click I Know All or Known (the latter is broken now).
  2. Words you mark yellow go to your LingQs Created stat.
  3. When a word gets to Status 4 (i.e. learned) it goes to your LingQs Learned and Known stats.
  4. Any word (blue or white) that you mark yellow will increase your LingQs Created stat.

A few points to keep in mind, however:

All counters (in your profile) only go in one direction—up. That is, if you forget a word you once learned, the number of known words won’t go down.
To reiterate, if you create a LingQ for a word that you once had LingQed but had since forgotten, the number of LingQs Created will go up again. When you have successfully “relearned” the word (bumped it to Status 4 again), the number of Known Words and LingQs Learned will remain unchanged, however. This is because the system keeps a database of all the words you know.

A word is a string of characters separated by spaces or punctuation marks. The system cannot discern word lemmas; it does not perform any lexicographical or morphological analysis. Thus, “go,” “went,” “gone,” “goes,” and “going,” for example, are all considered to be different words and are treated as such.

This is how I believe the system works.

What a brilliant explanation (all the more so as T’s comments sometimes leave me baffled). Thank you.

Not sure how the system treats phrases. For instance, if I mark the phrase “Milky Way,” will it count as

  1. two words
  2. one word
  3. one LingQ
  4. two LingQs?

What happens, if I already have both “milky” and “way” in my Known Words database? If either one?

I should think that words that have already been LingQed and become part of a phrase, ie. part of a new LingQ, will count double in the ‘LingQs created’ stats. That way if you have created ‘Milky’ and ‘Way’ as separate LingQs and then create a new LingQ from both you will find 3 LingQs created. However, the Known Words will only show the number of new words (2) once, the ‘Milky Way’ LingQ will count as a ‘LingQ learned’ when it gets to status 4, but will not increase the number of Known Words.

Known Words to my understanding seem to be the same as ‘word types’ (Paul Nation), which can only be counted once in a frequency count (if there are multiple appearances of a word, they are ‘tokens’). Word families are not reflected by the Known Words statistics and neither should phrases.

My intention was not to controvert with anyone. Simply, I want only to indicate the problems and ways of how this occurs. Nothing else. But I forgot to write that the lesson and described the situation has said out of the introduction of an update.

As I said, Mark and the programmers are working to fix the most glaring inconsistencies. However, to me the statistics are always going to have some areas of uncertainty and inaccuracy. Is a known word really known? Some of the functonality will probably make it impossible to be consistent at all times.To me it does not matter. These are general indicators of how we are progressing.

To me the most important number is LingQs created. I believe that we should measure activity rather than achievement, since the achievements will vary based on a number of factors often outside of the learner’s control. I believe that LigngQing is the most important indicator of activity and likely progress.

The more we LingQ, the more we read, and probably the more we listen, and the more words we are likely to learn from different contexts as we see our yellow words, and the more ways there are to review these words in the Vocab section, or when we receive our emails. The more we LingQ, the more learn, I believe. I have upped my LingQing from 100 or so a week to 1000 per week. I think that is the major achievement of this change.

We will fix the problems in the library (soon I hope). We will iron out some of the problems with the statistics, not to everyone’s satisfaction, but largely. We may not satisfy everyone, but in so far as what I consider our most important feature and function, I feel we have a major step forward.