LingQ statistics

Each of us receive daily LingQs of the Day: up to 100 words. Many words have already been to the status 4. Example: my current LingQs of the Day which contained 44 words. Except for one word, all the rest have already been to the status 4 (43). After treatment (2x) is my today’s statistics showed: Known Words, there is a number 1. All other sections were left at 0! Consolidating 43 words is an activity that you do not register statistics. If process two or more LingQs of the Day is a vital activity of the individual, which, however, statistically not registered, or the odd register.
This fact -speaking from the standpoint of statistics- opens the question of meaningfulness LingQs of the Day. And second: where words disappear statistically by to consolidate (specifically 43 words)?

ToneN, I think that to solve this problem, you should create more new LingQs on a daily basis. I usually create at least a few LingQs every day and this helps keep variety in my LingQs. Usually if I receive say 50 LingQs of the Day, no more than 10 will be already at level 4. If the majority of your LingQs are already at Level 4, this is a sign you should create some more and learn some new words. Otherwise you’re not really learning new words, you’re just reviewing stuff you already know. While that’s helpful occasionally to remind yourself of something you may’ve forgotten over time, this shouldn’t be the case the majority of the time.

Hi Janne,
in this issue are talking about questions or problems related to LingQs statistics. So on what is happening in certain situations with the statistics. How and why to particular problems.
The essence of my article is thus in the last paragraph. I think for both finding the necessary solutions.

Hi Mark,
Today is happening to me as follows: in the lesson “How to Start to Learn a New Language” is a blue tint which the entire text (1976 words). New Words (above right) shows the 2. The same happens in the lesson “The Echo” (254 words, 2 in New Words) and in the lesson “in the city. My Office” (141words; 5 in New Words). Total for circa 2450 words. The change in yellow color are easy too much.

I think that this is not normal. How to resolve the situation?

Good news: the ‘add listening hours manually’ button is working again in at least three of my languages (though the ‘add’ sign still is not a ‘+’ plus sign, but who cares) I’m very pleased. I’m sure with patience everything else will fall into place, too. Thank you.

Bad news: Like ToneN I just opened a lesson I had been working on before (Russian, Путешествие в Тридевятое…). The whole text, apart from the already lingq-ed words, ie yellow highlights, is now light blue. The new word counter, correctly, states that there are 74 new words remaining in the document.

I’m sure this is temporary. The good news is, you can pop-up definitions for [almost] every word now.

Sorry about that. We’ll get that fixed as soon as possible.

My known word milestone does not appear in my history, or in the activities list (under friends).

I notices it first when i had a 1000 words. Then i thought it was a glitch.

But now i have 2000 words and again no milestone. Is there something i can do about this?

I noticed the same thing… but for French only. My 1000 word milestones come up as expected for Japanese.

@roan, meiske - That is strange since it seems to work for some people. We will look into it.

A little aside:

According to my account settings I have 7777 LingQs. That number is too nice to be spoiled! I am sorry guys, I can’t possibly do any more LingQing! From now on I’ll just have to soak up knowledge…

I got up to exactly 10000 words for my Spanish. It has been stuck there for a few weeks already. Help!

@edwin - Are you saying that there is problem with your stats or that there is a problem with you…?

It is more likely a problem with myself.

Hai my dear friends!. How are you?

Hello all,
I’ve been wanting to know, are the statistics (hours of listening, for example) intended to reflect our activity on LingQ, or all of our language learning activity?

I think it’s up to you lelapindore.

Personally I put ALL my language learning activity onto the LingQ statistics. It’s like my language learning log.

I do the same as skyblueteapot, with the exceptions of random, 1on1 speaking and ‘live’ reading (it’s quite hard to work out how many words you’ve read!).