LingQ of the day email

Thank you Mark.

No I’ve a new problem. I got an e-mail for French and English today, but I miss Dutch.

Yes, it looks like the script that sends the email got stopped for some reason. So some languages did not get emails sent. We are trying to figure out what happened.

Thanks, Mark! :slight_smile:

@Alex_Gur - The problem here is that you are deleting these LingQs. You won’t be able to review deleted LingQs. The list is calculated once a day, so if you delete LingQs after this, you will be unable to review them even though they show up in the LingQs of the Day email for that day. They also won’t show up in any future list.

Ho problemi con le emails che ricevo da LingQ. Non riesco più ad accedere alle funzioni di flashcards e a quelle di cloze. Il sistema mi risponde con questa dicitura:"Invalid input parameters:

* batch
      o Scegli un'opzione valida. 200 non compare tra quelle disponibili ".

Che è successo ? Cosa devo fare per poter continuare a usare queste due funzioni come facevo prima?
Un saluto e grazie