LingQ Homepage Redesign

Hey y’all

Thought LingQ’s homepage needed a little love, so I tried my hand at designing a new one.
Let me know what you think!



Thanks! I like this a lot. It would work well on mobile too. Yes, getting to the landing page is something that we’ll be getting to soon, and I appreciate your input.


You’re welcome! Glad you like it.

That’s awesome Oliver! Are you a designer? Or, just take an interest in design? Always nice to see nicely laid out pages. We know we have some work to do on the home page.


Active LingQ users should get straight to their language(s) when starting LingQ.

Thanks! Yeah, I’m currently studying digital design and webdev, doing some work on the side. Excited to see what you come up with for the homepage in the future.

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100% - This page is meant more for people who perhaps don’t know what LingQ is and how it is unique from other language learning apps.

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