LingQ 5.0 has been released for iOS and Android

I’m not sure what I mean ether. But on my vocabularyscreen I have 232 pgaes of knewn words, with 20 woreds a page, which is four thousand and something, so is getting to the is closer to the 6000 with each of it. (Now I see that 232 pageis of known words does NOT mean I known only 232 words, and the error of my ways, but is far more generous for my in favors, and snacks between pronunciations, increasingl wirh every so and therfore. LiKe magic really! There realky is a, that transaltws for all humankind and the animals benefit to. )

That’s a lot of detailed feedback. I will go over it and fix these issues. Unfortunately its not related to what I asked, but appreciate it anyway.

I cannot replicate it ever. I also have no more infor except that it seems related to text selection. Unfortunately the crash reports have no information that I can pin point to any part of the app, much less a line of code. Thank you anyway, if you see any crash related to this please let us know.

I had to come thank y‘all for a couple recent(ish) fixes on the iOS app:

  • Swiping down on card pop-up is easier (no longer conflicts with the long-press-to-copy-word gesture)
  • The card pop-up is now situated below the second line of a word that spans two lines. (Previously it would obscure the second line.) Korean typography seems to give no thought to splitting words across lines (it doesn’t even insert a hyphen to let you know it’s happened) so this change is a super positive one for me!

Thanks for your continued work on the web and iOS apps, and especially for the above two changes that make a big difference for my reading experience!

Hi, I love the new text to speech feature as I tend to import ebooks a lot, but it seems sometimes to not work. It happened previously and it’s happening again now in another course. Could it be to do with ones where it loaded audio previously but the audio wasn’t listened to? I opened a new chapter of this course yesterday, it started to load text to speech audio for it but I had to quit the lesson to go deal with something. When I loaded that same lesson today it didn’t start loading audio and there isn’t any audio already loaded. This is the android version I’m using fyi. I read somewhere that you were planning on adding this feature to web too, do you know when that is?

I suspect you will have to wait for the audio to be generated. If you move away while it’s generating, it won’t keep loading in the background. We will see if that is something we can also enable. Yes, we will add it to web. Hopefully, in the next few weeks.

when I reach my daily goal (on iOS), there comes a pop-up that sais “You met your daily goal”. And when I close that one another one pops up right after saying “you are on fire”, which I have to close again. One pop-up should be enough, I think.

Small additional point regarding the streak pop-up: I wish it could be dismissed with a swipe. Usually when it appears I have been busy reading and hence repeatedly dismissing the card pop-up with a swipe down. When the streak pop-up appears I always want to swipe it away as well. Seems this would be the natural thing to do. But instead I have to hunt for and tap the little X to dismiss it. Not a big deal, but it feels like a weird interface choice.

Well done, I love the new lingq. Design & functionality is much improved!

Hi mark. Thanks for your work on a bunch of the issues I reported above. I wonder if the team is also working on playback order of playlists? It still seems to be always in shuffle mode. I was recently trying to listen to an audiobook I’d uploaded, when it skipped from track 1 to track 15 (a point to which I had not yet read) and consequently revealed some big spoilers in the plot! This problem keeps me from listening comfortably via the LingQ app.

this is just a quick request. With every update (on Android) all customized settings seem to be erased every time.
It’s really frustrating. I don’t want to change word’s into “known” when I turn a page. And with every update (and there have been a few over the last weeks) I at least get one whole page with “known” words. That’s how I catch on to the update and the changed settings. And these new “known” words just spread over all lessons. I am someone who is really working with each text and it is a real pain to go over the page with the now “known” words, because I have to go over every word to ferret out which ones I already marked as known with the fitting translation in this particular context and which are new.
For other learners that may not be an issue, and I actually would not care with better known languages, but with new languages this approach works best for me.
Please consider to set all points of the standard setting on “off” instead if “on”, because in that case there seems to be less “damage” until you realize all settings have been set back again. Or maybe it’s possible to save the settings somehow?

That shouldn’t be the case. Those settings should be remembered. Have you made multiple updates to version 5?

Hi, actually I never did any update “on purpose”. As I said, I just realized the set back of all the settings in the app while paging… I just guessed that it was caused by an update.
After it happened again today I wrote this post.
On iOS nothing seemed to have changed in the app after there was an (on purpose) update today.

@dgbeecher - Is this on iOS or Android?

Ok, well, we will check it and make sure that isn’t happening.


Seems fine for me on iOS. If it’s shuffling and you expand the player, you should be able to tap the shuffle icon to un shuffle it.

I guess you are right! I may have confused the two shuffle buttons, which do slightly different things but use the same icons. Or maybe I did not even notice the second smaller shuffle button, as I don’t usually expand the player. Thanks for pointing it out.

I got an Android update 7 days ago, and since then, the app doesn’t work anymore. It is stuck and I can not open a lesson or change languages…

@Fer.weh Can you please try to reinstall the app? Give it a clean install and let me know if that helps.