LingQ 2.0 first impressions

I am using LingQ on Chrome now and it does work quite well. Only, the words to be lingqed are not always updated as soon as I press the arrow to move forward, and some pages are pretty slow to load. But I’m confident all this will be fixed!

I liked to see the percentage of new words in the text. Is there a chance to have it back? It would also be nice to see the percentage of lingqs in the “linked” (using the old terminology) text instead.

Dear LingQ Team:

Congratulations! What a beautiful layout and easier functionality! It’s apparent that a lot of thought, effort, and time went into this project. I think you have all done a wonderful job. Thank you :slight_smile:

Not bad, though I worked only a bit with this version.
But how I can get to my profile page???
I don’t see it on the panel.

You can access your profile by clicking on your username or thumbnail image in the top right corner. Or, you can click on the LingQ logo in top left corner. Or, anywhere you see your profile image you can click on it.

Hi, Evgueny, just click on the LingQ logo.

Yvette, thanks for the soothing balm on our aching wounds. We are continuing to put out the fires.

:slight_smile: … All will soon be well!

I like the new import screen, where at the very top you can choose the language and collection (course?) the text will go. Before, I was always digging into the advanced options to choose the collection.

I assume the import bookmarklet will be updated at some time to set and include the original URL of the import automatically. For now, that has to be done manually.

One issues is that the import bookmarklet is showing an extra wide (half the screen) import button when using FF 15 on Windows. It still works though.

As many others have said, software development is tricky - we all have different devices, different screen sizes, different versions, different languages and different operating systems. The variety is endless, which makes complete testing an impossibility. Hang in there while they make the necessary corrections.

By the way, what is the “Original URL” field meant for?

I just realized it’s no longer possible to have text in bold in our lessons. :frowning: That was very useful for me, especially to study some podcasts with questions and answers…

However, after a small complaint, here is a good improvement: I find it much easier to lingq phrases now than with the old LingQ. Thanks for that! :slight_smile:

Very excited to use the new site. It looks great and the bugs will be ironed out and it’ll be better than ever =]

@mikebond I presume Original URL is to store the website address of the site from which the imported content came. Previously I would put the URL in the description field or in the text itself.

Some websites allow content reuse if you include a link to the original page. E.g. Voice of Russia.

@mikebond - As keke_eo says, the original url allows you to store the address where you found the content. And, once sharing works you will be able to share this information on your wall by sharing an imported lesson. That way others can import the good content you found.

We’ve started a new thread with the intention to more efficiently deal with error reports. It also mentions which issues were addressed with today’s updates and includes a list of known issues. Please take a look at that thread and post there so we can better address all your concerns. Thanks!

Hey, I wanted to ask why some dictionaries are not working. Google translate is ok, but I’m using Urban dictionary and Babylon as well and when I’m trying to open them, I see just a blank… Help!

The free dictionary also is not working…

@Karemi - All dictionaries seem fine here. Which browser are you using? Please make sure to clear your cache.

I’m using Chrome