Let's talk about courses

Hi, Hitomi, I suggest you create another account to deal with this.

A couple of us have created a separate account so that our kids/ partners/friends can have a play with Skype. It also means you can look at your courses from the outside!

We will fix it so that you can see your own times eventually. In the meantime, Hitomi, if you don’t want people signing up after March 5, unpublish your course right away. It is not possible for people to sign up for your course and not have conversations scheduled after that date.

I am sorry to annoy one of our loyal and enthusiastic tutors, but I prefer to keep our tutors annoyed while focusing on the things that annoy our users.
Yes it was a design flaw, yes it is not a lot of work to fix. But there are ways around the problem for now and we will eventually get to it. So please be patient.

Thank you Allison! Thank you Ana, Thank you Helen! It never occurred to me that I could actually open up another account. Great idea.
Mark, Steve, I’ll follow other brilliant tutors advice and I’ll be a good girl to wait for you to fix it with patience.

Students receive the course report after finishing course, isn’t it? Or is it only after completing all 5 steps for each lesson? Or students do not receive course reports at all?

Students do not receive course reports at all. By the time you have completed all the speaking and writing reports there isn’t much left to say on a Course Report.

Hi, it’s me again. I have created a new course and I also opened up another account so that I can check how it looks from student’s view.
This is what I see; from my account, it says the cost is 4000 points. However, from another account, exactly the same course costs 5000 points!
What does it suppose to mean? Also, the system selfishly decided that I’m available through out March, even though I did not put times by myself in Calendar. I’d like to start the course in April and I’d like to inform my course well in advance. Is there anything I could do?

The price is different because Free members pay $10 more per course. It does seem strange that your course is offering times from March. We will look into it. I can’t see your new course in the list now. Did you unpublish it? Please publish it again so I can see what you are talking about.

I published the course now.

By the way Hitomi, I would use the word ‘arbitrarily’ not ‘seflishly’. “The system arbitrarily decided”…a system is not usually selfish but it is often arbitrary. :slight_smile:

‘arbitrarily’, I see. It’s a new word to me, thank you Steve!

I see, Hitomi. It’s the same problem you were having with the other course since the system shows the same times for all your 1 on 1 courses. We are looking into it.

Thank you Mark. Should I unpublish it for now?

Probably, otherwise someone will sign up for those times.

Mark, did you fix the problem that the system shows times that don’t exist? I don’t want to offer lessons in the first week of May. It seems like the system still automatically schedule me for 4-week courses starting from the 3rd to 5th week of April when I try to schedule 1on1 lessons on those weeks.

I’m not exactly sure what you mean but if you don’t want people to sign up for courses with discussions into May, you should unpublish your courses now. Otherwise, the conversations are scheduled 4 weeks out which takes you into May.

I am having this problem from the beginning, but unfortunately, I cannot make myself clear on this issue in English… This is what I want to happen to the system. I schedule 1on1 lesson whenever I am available, but the system shows courses when I am available four weeks in row. But for now, unpublishing courses works just as good. Thank you mark.

Nothing to be in hurry, but could you add a butch publish/unpublish button on the course list page to your list for the system improvements? That would be very helpful.