Let's talk about courses

Hi Mark, I already published a 4 weeks course and the system took it as a 12 weeks time available. Why is that or what I have to do to fix it?

Hi Mark, I already published a 4 weeks course and the system took it as a 12 weeks time available. Why is that or what I have to do to fix it? Sorry I sent the above message from my husband´s accounts.

Hi Jillisa and Lisz,

Thanks for pointing out that the 1 on 1 courses are displaying times for 12 weeks still. We will fix this. Don’t worry, if someone does take the course, they will actually only be booked for 4 conversations. The course is functioning correctly it is just displaying incorrect information for the duration of the session. We will try and fix this right away.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot

I made a 4weeks Individual course and came up with questions;

1)The price was set to $4000 automatically, while other tutor’s are $3000.
Where can I go to reduce my price? I have no intention to charge them more!

2)I want to start my sessions from February. As I as a tutor can not see the available times myself, how to check /set the right times?
I really want to see my one on one schedules on screen, this is so confusing.

If all the above things have been discussed already, I’m sorry to put these up again.
However, since I have other daytime jobs and a young child to look after, I can not follow everything with LingQ and it has been changing quite often lately too.
thank you for your understanding.


Thanks for creating a course. The price depends on the level, because there is less writing in the beginner course. The price is $40, not $4000, by the way.

We are sorry that tutors cannot see their own times. We are aware of the problem and will fix that one day. Meantime you can just ask me. Here are your times.

February 05 - April 30 (Thursday)

* 04:30AM
* 04:45AM
* 05:00AM
* 05:15AM

Thanks for doing this.

Thank you Steve,

The times you saw/wrote are Japan times? If so, they are totally wrong and I don’t know how it went.
I put my available times for one on one for the course using “Calendar”.
Every Thursday from 21:30-22:30 Japan time in February.
I never wrote that I’m available until April either!
Am I doing the wrong thing?

BTW, It must be $40 instead of $4000! See? how confused I am :slight_smile:


Yep, I see your course starting from February 05 from 9:30PM to 10:30PM:-) It is a 4-week course. It shows a course is until April, but this is a bug. So don’t worry.

Hi Mark,

I don’t understand what you wrote "If you created an Individual course, you don’t input available times. Your available time is just grabbed from your calendar and displayed as soon as the course is published. Keep in mind that you won’t be able to see your own times in the Course List but that others will. "

What have I to do with calendar?

Sorry Hitomi, I just copied the times from the LingQ website.

Yes all times are shown in the time zone of the person using the site.

Yes there is a bug that shows 12 weeks although the course is only 4 weeks. Will soon be fixed.


You have to first make your one on one times available in your calendar. Mark can add more explanations.

As a tutor you input available time into the system in the Calendar. This then makes this time available for potential 1 on 1 conversations. When you create an Individual course the displayed session times are taken from the available 1 on 1 times you have entered into the Calendar. Therefore, if you want to offer an Individual course, you must enter available time in the Calendar.

Thank you for your kindness, Emma! It was very helpful.
Thank you, Steve ! Now I see a clearer picture of how it works.


I created a course and it shows up as 4 one-off speaking events on the “speak” page, without (I think) a link to the corresponding library item or an indication of the level. So I now have a participant who is only signed up for one session of a 4 session course, who is also at a higher level than the course and who might not listen to the material. I don’t see as a major issue for me personally, since the participant will get the same service as if he were not part of a course. Just letting you know. Sorry if this has been brought up before.

Hi Ed,

All conversations that are created as part of a course are visible on the Speak page and are available for all to sign up. Members are free to sign up for courses or individual conversations and they can see the level when they sign up. I don’t see any problems here.

I have created an individual course starting from 5th of February through 28th of February. I understood there was a bug and displaying times for 12 weeks. However, my dear student enrolled in the course starting from 12th of February through 5th of March even though I only put my available times until the end of February in my Calendar. It is fine with me to do the 5th, but it will be a problem if it still says I’m available for the rest of March because I’m not. What should I do?


I think the system is not supposed to show times that don’t exist so I will check this. But, if someone buys your course, the system books them for a conversation at their selected time for the next 4 weeks. Therefore, if your course is showing now, the conversations will run into March since we are almost half way through February. If you don’t want people to sign up for courses with conversations later in March, you should unpublish your course.

I see. Well, can anyone tell me what dates are shown in my speaking section regarding my course? Excuse me but I’d like to say it again that this is so annoying not to be able to see it myself as a tutor.

Hi Hitomi, Here are the dates you requested. These are in US-IL CST time zone. So, you will have to convert it to your time zone. Hope that helps!

February 12 - March 05 (Thursday)
* 06:45AM
* 07:00AM
* 07:15AM

February 18 - March 11 (Wednesday)
* 06:30AM
* 06:45AM
* 07:00AM
* 07:15AM
* 07:30AM
* 07:45AM

February 19 - March 12 (Thursday)
* 06:45AM
* 07:00AM
* 07:15AM

February 26 - March 19 (Thursday)
* 06:45AM
* 07:00AM
* 07:15AM