"Labour and the Conservatives have both lost control of key councils in local elections across England."

What’s going on, Prinz_VDV?

“Polling expert Professor Sir John Curtice said the Tories were performing relatively well in areas with a substantial Leave vote in the 2016 referendum, where they are picking up votes from UKIP, which did not stand candidates in many areas, while Labour were performing better in places where the Remain vote was stronger and with a higher proportion of younger voters.”

I’m waiting to what professor Sir Prinz_VDV has to say.

Yes. I know. We want to hear a more convincing explanation from Prinz of Something Reich.

Almost everyone was expecting Labour to do very well at these local elections. In the UK opposition parties generally do well in local elections held at some point mid in the government’s term of office.

What actually happened: Labour only did okay-ish. The Conservative vote held up pretty well considering they (we!) are the governing party. Things are all kind of weird right now. Labour have swung pretty hard to the left. But there’s real doubt (in my un-humble opinion) whether this country would ever put a hardcore headbanger from either the right or left of the political spectrum into Number 10.

UKIP got wiped out. (Mission accomplished! Stand down and return to base, soldier!)

The Lib Dems (or the ‘Libtard Anti-Democrats’ as I call them) made some limited progress in some areas where lots of EU-Remainist slime live - i.e. Blairite academics with dried egg in their beards, bored menopausal housewives trying to fill the void left by their vanished sexuality, second-rate students with rich daddies, or any other largely unproductive nitwits with fashionably pro-EU views.

Across the country as a whole they are lagging far behind Labour and Conservatives, however.

My message to Vince: It’s time to man the hell up, and drink your Brexit Kool Aid, buddy! Your miserable little party is never going to break out of a limited niche until you show some freaking respect for democracy! :-0

@Yutaka (off-topic)

Are you, per chance, a Rangers fan?

Do you think Mr Gerrard is a credible candidate for this job?

Do you think the ‘future is orange’ for Glaswegian football?? :-0

Prinz “VDB” used the following expressions:
“a hardcore headbanger”
“Blairite academics with dried egg in their beards, bored menopausal housewives trying to fill the void left by their vanished sexuality, second-rate students with rich daddies”
“largely unproductive nitwits”

These are very Interesting descriptions in your “political” comments. Were you a “first-rate student” with a not-so-rich dad? They made us understand(verstehen) your frustrations in your mind vividly. I am grateful to you for your “candid” opinion.

I have not tasted “dried egg” yet. How does it taste?

“…Were you a “first-rate student” with a not-so-rich dad?..”

I was like Glasgow Rangers: ‘Simply the best, better than all the rest…etc…’

My dad is not a football hooligan though, alas. :slight_smile:

“…they made us understand(verstehen) your frustrations in your mind vividly…”

In order to understand, maybe you first need to smoke(rauchen) a Chesterfields cigarette?

“…I have not tasted “dried egg” yet. How does it taste?..”

Time for another Chesterfields!

The egg is not yet dry when you eat it, rather the traces of it (in your beard) become dry later, yes?

(I safely assume you are also a Blairite academic? :-D)

BTW This could interest students of Hooliganism :slight_smile:

“Labour have swung pretty hard to the left”

@Prinz_VDV, do you know the reason for this?

Hooliganism isn’t my cup of tea, but I’ll challenge my English by watching this one.

“…Hooliganism isn’t my cup of tea…”

No, it’s not really my thing either :wink:

I think you need a special sociological brew: decades-old rivalries (sometimes with religious and political underpinnings), family tradition, community loyalty, fierce homoerotic (as opposed to homosexual) male-bonding, and truly epic amounts of alcohol. Get the brew just right, and I think it’s possible to feel some real hate for the fans of the rival club. It’s possible to want to kill them, maybe.


I see it as a kind of reflex action after Tony Blair’s time as party leader. He made them into a kind of Tory-light centre party- A lot of their activists (Marxist nut-jobs, old-style Trade Unionists, ultra-Socialists, etc) were kind of p_ssed off by this.

“The Lib Dems (or the ‘Libtard Anti-Democrats’ as I call them) made some limited progress in some areas where lots of EU-Remainist slime live”

I looked up the word “slime” in a dictionary. You really hate these folks, @Prinz_VDV!

Once again, I checked the word “void” in order to understand the sentence below

“…bored menopausal housewives trying to fill the void left by their vanished sexuality”

Harsh language,@Prinz_VDV, isn,t?

I think if these people could see this, they would express their indignation along these lines: Who’s this hooligan?

In the meantime, I improve my English.

“…You really hate these folks, @Prinz_VDV!..”

Mmm…no…I don’t hate them at a personal level. I wouldn’t be pleased if they came to some real harm.

“…Harsh language,@Prinz_VDV, isn,t?..”

Yes :slight_smile:

I mean, it’s pungent, it’s colourful. It would probably offend modern feminists and other low-IQ groups :smiley:

But I say: ‘Screw their feelings!’ :smiley:

“Mmm…no…I don’t hate them at a personal level. I wouldn’t be pleased if they came to some real harm.”

This is very nice to hear!

Prinz “VDB” appears to believe in a weird sort of biological determinism of voting turnout. He is particularly interested in “bored menopausal housewives trying to fill the void left by their vanished sexuality”. Is his idea original? I don’t think so. Regrettably, it is a “typical” stereotypical image of “housewives”. I wonder if his "biological "theory is based on his observations of housewives living in his neighborhood.

Incidentally, I don’t know what VDB means. (I am sincerely grateful to him for his prolific output of comments in his excellent English. I agree with Etudiant1 on this point.) I wonder how many times he has changed his username. I am afraid he is suffering from some sort of identity crisis which is common among young princes.

“The egg is not yet dry when you eat it, rather the traces of it (in your beard) become dry later, yes?”

Thank you for your detailed explanation. Is it a common English expression of describing absent-minded professors?

Ah, Yutaka babes, you don’t understand Brexit Britain. (Indeed, how could you?)

There is a certain TYPE* of person who naively licks the @ss of the EU. And then there is a certain TYPE of person who instinctively rejects that kind of supranational elite-first structure.

I am proud to belong to the second group :smiley:

Or rather, certain TYPES of people. I refer to them collectively as “Remainist slime” :smiley:

“…Is it a common English expression of describing absent-minded professors?..”

I’m going to claim originality for that one :slight_smile: