"Labour and the Conservatives have both lost control of key councils in local elections across England."

Thank you for your quick reply.

Do you feel “instinctively” that menopause is a political matter? I don’t think so. Your description of “bored menopausal housewives trying to fill the void left by their vanished sexuality” is irrelevant.

Do you happen to have experienced menopause by yourself?

Okay, I’ll explain. This was an insult directed at Sarah Olney :wink:

(I guess you don’t know the context - i.e. the political struggle for Richmond Park?)

BTW, I checked, and it seems that Olney is only 41 - so maybe she is not yet menopausal? She looks so ugly and wrinkled, I assumed she must be ten years older! :smiley:

You wrote:
“She looks so ugly and wrinkled, I assumed she must be ten years older! :-D”

How old are YOU? Of course, I don’t think arguing about the number of wrinkles on your face is politically important. You don’t have to answer my question.

“…How old are YOU?..”

I’m a dude. We don’t stop functioning aged 50 :smiley:

Yutaka has been…triggered! :smiley:

Maybe you need some Nivea cream? :slight_smile:

“…I don’t think arguing about the number of wrinkles on your face is politically important…”

No, but it gives a clue to a person age, hence the menopausal jibe against Olney.

" (Mission accomplished! Stand down and return to base, soldier!)"

What do you mean, @Prinz_VDV?

Before BREXIT, large numbers of people (who used to vote both Labour and Conservative in the past) started to vote for UKIP because they wanted Britain out of the EU.

Now, seeing that we are leaving the EU, they are switching back to their old party allegiances. So you could say: the ‘mission’ of UKIP has been accomplished - it’s not needed anymore!

Prinz VDB’s attack, or what he himself calls “the menopausal jibe against Olney” is a typical example of ad hominem.

“A fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.”

Some Brexiters might be more logical than him and will be able to deal with the difficulties “politically”. I am sure that they don’t welcome his misogynistic comments based on his biological determinism.

“…Prinz VDB’s attack, or what he himself calls “the menopausal jibe against Olney” is a typical example of ad hominem…”

It is disgracefully sexist to describe my spiteful misogynistic insult as ‘ad hominem’! :-0

Olney is a WOMAN, therefore any vitriolic personal attack on her should properly be described as ‘ad feminam’. You are perpetuating a stale and lazy mode of thought, which assumes that all players in the political arena are male! This is a kind of micro-aggression which subconsciously subjugates women and marginalises their role!

Just saying :wink:

In politics, it is far from clear whether ‘ad hominem’ (or indeed ‘ad feminam’) is a ‘fallacy’. Would people want to vote for, say, someone reasonably suspected of being a child abuser or a rapist? Why not!? He or she might be perfectly sound on policy! Of course a person’s character is a fair game for attack in politics.

And why do parties spend fortunes on image consultants, etc, if the way people LOOK is irrelevant with voters? Get real buddy! :slight_smile:

But in a way you are right. Nick Clegg was a good looking guy, wasn’t he? Yet he still got kicked in the balls by the electorate!

(And yes, the way people vote is biologically determined - in part.)


Is that Japanese for: “Oh poop, I just accidentally burned my feminist card”?


Do you happen to have read Adolph Knigge’s “Uber den Umgang mit Menschen”?

I didn’t. But I’ve perused the pages of this one:


If you are feeling offended by what I wrote in the last couple of posts - stop! I am not (necessarily) being 100% serious here! :smiley:

@Prinz_VDV, do you agree with MSNBC - Joe Scarbough talks about great frustration regarding BREXIT?

Scroll the video to 03:38

“If you are feeling offended by what I wrote in the last couple of posts - stop! I am not (necessarily) being 100% serious here! :-D”

I suspect you have always been 100% serious in your posts. It seems that you are not talented enough to pretend to be a person with a different mentality. You cannot stop showing your uncontrolled feelings toward people around you openly. You might be unwelcome between the Brexit camp with which you identify.

Prinz “VDB” used the following expressions:
“a hardcore headbanger”
“Blairite academics with dried egg in their beards, bored menopausal housewives trying to fill the void left by their vanished sexuality, second-rate students with rich daddies”
“largely unproductive nitwits”

These commonplace expressions do not contribute to gaining more support from others, but I bet on him using such expressions forever. How sad!

One thing Brexit has taught me, is that you can’t trust any part of the MSM to cover things in a genuinely honest and unbiased way. They all have a political narrative (either left or right, pro- or anti- etc) and they twist things literally inside out, and present facts selectively and tendentiously, so as to follow this narrative.

This is true of the MSM in the US and UK, but it‘s far worse in Germany (and probably in other EU countries too, but I‘m not so well able to judge those.)

There are people who would sell you the mass slaughter of innocent Iraqi civilians as a good thing; and there are people who would sell you Brexit as a bad thing!

Don’t swallow the narrative from these talking heads on the telly! They are not your friends, and they don’t have your interests at heart. They really don’t! :-0

“…It seems that you are not talented enough to pretend to be a person with a different mentality. You cannot stop showing your uncontrolled feelings toward people around you openly. You might be unwelcome between the Brexit camp with which you identify…”


Go use your Nivea cream you wrinkly little sexist :wink:

I don’t always agree with Boris Johnson - generally speaking. But he talks a lot more sense in this clip than the other guy, IMO.