Join me in a hangout on google +

As I suggested in the ongoing thread in Italian, once we have better learned how to use this tool, LingQ could encourage tutors and students to use it in addition to Skype, especially for group lessons (group videoconference is not free on Skype, while it is on Google+). You could start by adding a Google+ username field in addition to the existing Skype username field.

Yes we are interested in seeing how this or other tools can be used to increase interaction between our members, and also as a means for us, or experienced users, to explain LingQ to newcomers. I am traveling next week, but the following week will try some more of these meetups now that I have learned a little more about how there Hangouts work.

Please experiment by yourselves and we can regroup and compare notes.

I’m so sad I missed the Russian hangout. I’ll try and make sure to be at the Portuguese one.

We are learning as we go. There will be more!

Did anyone notice the new “communities” option in Google plus? I propose Steve create and moderate the LingQ community.

Edit: I see Benny has already created a language learning community there:

Thanks for the heads up Ricky. This Community feature is new. (Have to hand it to Benny he is pretty PR savvy and always moving ahead.)

We have a LingQ page and have held Events there. I will have to figure out how best to use the Community feature. What do you (or others) suggest. A LingQ community in addition to our LingQ page?

I created a community on Google+ called "Learn languages mostly by listening and reading " . As usual there is a glitch and I keep getting this message.

“We had an error getting the posts for this community. Please reload the page.”

At any rate any comments and suggestions are welcome. Here is the link.

That name you think of is too long.

It seems to be working now, although the link you gave us doesn’t seem to be. I found the invitation on my Google+ page.

Hi Steve
The link you provided takes me to a 404 - error page, and I didn’t get any invitation for a community.

Well, after some search, I found it!
