Join me in a hangout on google +

Google + has a web conferencing technology that is really quite neat. I would like to try an experiment in using it to communicate with our members and others.

The hangout is on Saturday Nov 17. 11 am PST (Vancouver time) : 2 pm EST (US East Coast): 19.00 (7 pm) GMT. Come to the LingQ page at google + and follow us if you are interested. Here is the URL of the LingQ page at google +. You should come and follow this page. The first nine people can participate in the hangout, and the rest can watch.

I have done a youtube video about this as well.

I am new at this. If you are interested please leave a message on the LingQ google+ page wall, so that I will know to contact you for the hangout. See you tomorrow.


Unfortunately I can not be online this evening.


Especially for this webinar I have registered at Google plus and announced myself there. I have not been mobile enough to take part in LingQ - meetings but such a webinar would be a good alternative.

So I am looking forward to this!


I don’t understand google + but I have successfully used google hangout for group discussions. I’ll be there at 7pm London time if my kids aren’t kicking off.

Awww … I wish I could attend, but I have something else during that time. Hopefully in the future I can attend.

There seems to be some incompatibility between the sound function of the Windows Media Player and videos and podcasts and the Google plus hangout. As far as I can hear, I have both working now.

Skyblueteapot, you should announce yourself on the LingQ - site of Google plus, so that Steve can invite you for the hangout.


Thanks Fasulye!

During the hangout with Steve and other LingQ - members, my audio went down as soon as the live -streaming went online, so I didn’t hear the people speaking anymore and the couldn’t hear me either.

So therefore during the hangout I had to leave the discussion and I was very disappointed. I directly turned on Steve’s live-streaming on You Tube so that I at least could listen to what the other LingQ-ers were discussing.

It’s very strange, because before the hangout went live streaming I could communicate with Steve and some other LingQ-ers.

That’s really bad luck for me!


We will certainly do this again !

I wasn’t able to see it alive because of some issues with the cookies stuff that I wasn’t able to fix on time to at least see the last part. But right now I’m watching the youtube video.
Way to go Steve!
I think this kind of interaction with the members of lingQ is a very nice idea and of course it would be very interesting to do the same in other languages too.
Gonna resume u2b video :slight_smile:

I’m watching the video of the hangout on youtube right now. Looks like fun. I should indeed get a skype set up so I can participate next time.

Elric, you don’t need Skype for this. Just google+. Although Skype is also useful.

Sure, I mean a video conference setup. I know my son uses skype on one of our computers, so I’ll figure out how to use it myself. I know it’s nothing complicated, but somehow I end up never finding the time to work it out.

BTW here is the link to the video of the hangout.

I relelistened to the video of the hangout on Steve’s You Tube channel and one time during the discussion I said something without knowing that Steve did understand me, because I couldn’t hear during the discussion as soon as it was live-streaming.

So my microphone was working all the time. But I have a special audio problem on my laptop caused by the Google Talk Plugin (which you have to install to be able to take part in a Google Plus hangout) as this Plugin deactivates the audio function of You Tube videos and LingQ - podcasts - at least on my laptop.

And I don’t know how to solve this audio problem! I use the Firefox browser here.


Fasulye, Yes, you flashed onto the broadcast for just an instant. (I have no solution for your Google+ audio problem, sorry.)

Steve, for the 1+9 participants . . . as the full quota was not attending, would any new participants automatically have joined, or would you have had to somehow electronically “accept” someone before he or she became part of what was being recorded?

It looked like fun.

I thought that if you didn’t speak you wouldn’t be visible on the recording. so I muted my microphone when I wasn’t talking. I was WRONG you are visible all the time. Sorry about the pink fluffy bunny.

@ Fasulye

You wrote: "… as this Plugin deactivates the audio function of You Tube videos and LingQ - podcasts - at least on my laptop. "

I cannot say anything about your audio problems, but the Hangout plugin has nothing to do with Adobe Flash (for audio) in my opinion. Look here in the Hangout section for known issues:

Do you run MS Vista? There seem to be a few issues…

I can only recommend the Google Chrome Browser. Flash is already built-in, and updates are happening automatically in the background. And in my opinion it’s the fastest browser. The Google Plus Hangout Plugin should work best with the Google Chrome browser.

Try it: Google Chrome – den schnellen und sicheren Browser von Google jetzt herunterladen

If you would like to test your installation (with or without Chrome), I can do a hangout with you. Just post a message on my wall here or @ Google + (Hans-Peter P.).

I enjoyed watching the video! Finally put some voices-to-faces-to-user-names. :slight_smile: Imagine anyone transcribing this whole group discussion… I saw this thread a little bit too late, but if this will be a recurring event I might consider joining (although I’m not a heavy LingQer anymore).