Japanese Splitting has suddenly turned Terrible?

I don’t know what happened but around a couple days ago the way Japanese words have been split has become very unproductive to learning. In particular particles have become attached to the words that come before them and the system considers them as “new words.” This kind of splitting DRASTICALLY increases the word count. This didn’t happen before.



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We are looking into it, thanks.

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Also, there used to be a popup offering to resplit with AI for newly imported lessons opened for the first time. It would be great to have it back.

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After making this topic I learned that you can still find it in edit lesson. Bottom left it says “Re-split text with AI.”

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I’ve also been experiencing this exact problem with importing in Japanese.

In my case, I’ve been trying to import from Netflix. I’ve been doing this for several years not with no problems, but suddenly last week, instead of mostly words being highlighted, entire phrases and sentences are being highlighted, causing me to have to edit each individual sentence in order to create a LingQ for individual words.

I also noticed another post mentioning about text being uploaded into one huge block of text. This is also happening in my case, and is incredibly inconvenient when it comes to reading dialogue spoken by multiple characters.

For about a week now, I’ve been trying to upload a lesson to see if the situation has gotten better, and at the moment it hasn’t.

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I’ve been going into the edit panel on the lesson and hitting re-split words, and it seems to (sometimes) fix the issue after it reprocesses it.

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