Japanese is Badly Broken - Part 1

Thank you very much, @Denys_B for the information, and I’m glad to hear that lingq Team is working on using GPT for translations – great news!

However, as I understand it won’t be quick, the issue with DeepL and the japanese brackets is already implemented in LingQ (I think it’s essentially replacing japanese brackets with quotes ( " ) before sending to DeepL).

The solution is available already in the iOS version of LingQ in the sentence editing view (there are screenshots higher up in the thread) and always works correctly without errors.

Please, would it be possible meanwhile to use this solution (which is already implemented and working correctly) in the ‘sentence mode’ screen?"

Yeah, thanks for the detailed explanation and for giving some hope on a fix in the future. I know it’s hard to guess delivery dates in software, especially for consumers, but is it possible to know if the new implementation is weeks or months or several months away?

Did the current implementation start a few months ago? I can’t remember having any issues before that, other than some less-than-ideal translations. Certainly nothing wildly off, and certainly no translations not loading at all.

Please @Denys_B @nsprung @zoran , I insist again. Could you explain what makes it difficult to integrate the ios sentence editing view translation system (the blue button in the screenshots of this thread) into the sentence view screen? I would like to know what is the problem to be able to help or at least understand why the solution is taking so long.

How does it work? What makes it different from the broken translation system? In my case (Japanese to English), it consistently translates with very good results, and I have stopped using external translators (first I try with the usual translation button and if it’s not correct -or if no translation load-, I translate it using the blue button in the ios sentence editor).

Thank you!

@Denys_B @nsprung @zoran Could you please answer my question? Thank you

@srdurden I assume that the blue button in iOS you mentioned translates the sentence using Google Translate for some reason. Usually, GT is used when the Deepl is unavailable. As far as I understand Deepl brings better translation overall than GT, which is why it is used primarily.

@justfrozen I don’t think any current implementations affected the Sentence translation functionality. More looks like a Deepl inner issue occurred. As for the new translation feature - I hope it will be officially released by the end of the year, but I can not assure you of this.