Importing Theatre texts / Formatting Line Breaks


I read a lot of theatre scripts and would love to be able to use LingQ to import and read some scripts in Spanish. However everytime I import as an ebook, the formatting messes up completely. It doesn’t recognise the new line breaks (which are a lot more frequent than in a prose text) and so formats chunks of lines as paragraphs. I was wondering if anybody knows why this is, or has any hints/get arounds? At the moment, it is making script reading on LingQ pretty impossible.

Normal formatting:

CHARACTER A: blah blah blah
CHARACTER B: blah blah blah blah blah
CHARACTER A: blah blah blah
CHARACTER B: blah blah blah blah blah
CHARACTER A: blah blah blah
CHARACTER B: blah blah blah blah blah

But LingQ is displaying like this:

CHARACTER A: blah blah blah CHARACTER B: blah blah blah blah blah CHARACTER A: blah blah blah CHARACTER B: blah blah blah blah blah CHARACTER A: blah blah blah CHARACTER B: blah blah blah blah blah CHARACTER A: blah blah blah CHARACTER B: blah blah blah blah blah CHARACTER A: blah blah blah CHARACTER B: blah blah blah blah blah

Any help would be much appreciated,


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This is easy with Notepad++ as I’ve done the same with plays.

Load the file in Notepad++ and press “Alt-Shift +C” or View->Show Symbols->Show all characters

That will show you line breaks. They’ll look something like this.

CHARACTER A: blah blah blah CRLF

This may vary depending on your system. I believe Windows uses CRLF as a line break.

A simple fix would be to replace all CRLF with two CRLF. This is done in Search-Replace.
NB: Make sure Search Mode is in “Extended” mode first!!

CR(Carriage Return) is represented with a \r
LF(Line Feed) is represented with a \n

Then search for “\r\n” and replace with “\r\n\r\n”. This works well enough for me. You will need to experiment here depending on how your document was formatted.


Thank you so much for this! It’s worked. I’ve been converting pdf to txt via word and then using Notepad++ , so thank you!

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