Importing from YouTube is taking forever. Is it still available?

Yet again the import is broken.

It appears that no-one tests the functionality before making changes. The import feature breaks once or twice a week.

It’s the only reason that I use LINGQ.

I accept that people make mistakes, but this is continuous. It’s a real shame and makes me wonder why I pay.


Too many problems in too little time. I love LingQ. Really. But if I pay for a service it has to work, otherwise it makes no sense. Nobody likes to waste money. Importing from youtube is a FUNDAMENTAL key for personal study. This problem needs to be solved permanently. I feel sorry for LingQ, these constant problems discredit this important app for language learning. Please: fix it once and for all.


Is anyone else having problems with the workarounds now, too? I downloaded a YouTube video to MP3 and then generated a lesson with the audio. All the words were generated; however, none of them were clickable. I couldn’t change the status of any words or create any new LINGQs. After that, I even tried to regenerate the lesson, but the webpage would become unresponsive every time before saving.

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We are paying a lot for something that looks like an early access website and not something stable. What makes me also really upset is the lack of transparency by the LIngq developers. We only have from time to time one person saying that they are working on the problems but it gives a vibe of not really being made a serious effort on find a workaround to this imports problem.


I had this problem when i was adding the URL in the lesson as well, But then i stopped doing it.
I’m only adding the audio file, the video link and the title of the lesson, it’s working perfectly.


I tried that, but the text and audio were not synchronized. Even if I use an audio file with no URL or video link, and I let Lingq set the time stamps, the synchronization is off, and the errors are cumulative. I set the timestamps manually for one lesson, but that process is too slow to be practical.

That very same thing happened to me, regarding the audio and text not being in sync. I jumped out of the app and then back in a few minutes later and it was miraculously synced. I didn’t do anything.

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I use YTMP3 - YouTube to MP3 Converter ( from the desktop (in browser). You just get the link for the video and put it in the input field. Don’t know how seamless it would all work from the ipad browser, but from desktop you should be fine.


Thank you. Unfortunately that web site is not available from my country i.e. England. I suspect some copyright holders took legal steps to have it blocked


We were able to identify the issue on our end and we will push a fix hopefully tomorrow.


That’s great news - thanks so much for the update!

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@zoran One observation I made is that the successful transcription of an imported audio file depends on the bitrate it is encoded into. 128 kbit/s works, but it doesn’t for 76 kbit/s. The latter is an odd rate, I know, but it was created like that by a YouTube video download program.

Not everyone shares the same technological affinity, and it was pure guessing by me either as the wep page doesn’t give any information on why an import failed if it does so. As the team is working on this anyway, it would probably worthwhile to reconsider this, as I am not the first one to observe that certain files cannot be imported, although the format itself is supported. (I am not sure whether a lot of people actually know that such a thing a bitrate exists.)

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@zoran Thank you, good news. May you please post a short note here once the fix is implemented? Thanks!


the plugin no longer complains about the missing captions, but instead now it says: “Error: Importing failed - ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode character u’\xa0’ in position 837: ordinal not in range(128)”

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YouTube lessons that I Imported a while ago work on iPhone, but they have stopped working on the Mac desktop. The transcriptions are still there, but there is no sound. I get the red error icon instead of the video.

It is quite a bit of content, so I hope I don’t have to re-import.

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Can you guys try again now and let me know if you see an improvement? Thanks!


Still getting import failed on all attempts whichever option I use - mac safari

Edit to say an Italian video I imported worked, but none worked for Portuguese from any YouTube channel I tried.


Same thing - nothing is working with imports.


Same as before on Mac desktop. Transcripts are there for YouTubes that were already imported successfully. Red icon appears where the YouTube screen should be.

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Using the YouTube app on an iPad, with LingQ app 5.5.33(0), imports fail, error dialog says bad connection.