"Importing Failed no Captions Found"


I have been finding issue with uploading videos in French which have subtitles in my native language (English).

If A video which is entirely in french and has French auto generated subtitles but English normal subtitles (someone made English subtitles manually) I get the above message. A great example is this video - Justin (hypocrite) Trudeau - Tabou #8 - YouTube

I can read the french subtitles but the link importer can’t seem to find them.

Any advice?


Hi, sorry about that. It seems to be a bug. We’ve reported it to our developers and they’re looking into it. What browser were you using when you tried to import that video?

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Hi, I have the same problem for a few days now. I am using Google chroome. Any solutions yet?

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We are looking into it. Turned out to be a bit more complicated than we expected. Please post a link to some videos you tried to import but weren’t able.

I’m having this problem too. Here is the link to the video I am trying to upload to (using Chrome). Lire, écouter, voir : qui a encore du temps de cerveau disponible ? - YouTube

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crome and safari

same problem for me on firefox

same problem for me on firefox, chrome and app android

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I ran into this problem with google chrome and this video (Japanese subs):

Hi, I have the same problem.
Firefox 83.0 (64-bit)

These are the videos i cannot upload ;

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I am facing the same problem. I hope they can fix this soon. :confused:


I have been having the same problem for the last week. It would import some but for the last two days it says “No subtitles found” on google.

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Hi everyone, I just want to post an update here.
Unfortunately the issue with YouTube importing at the moment is on YouTube’s end. It’s basically related to auto-generated captions. Looks like YT changed the way how it’s distributed.

Here’s the link where you can get more details:

That means that, at the moment, you can only import videos with manually uploaded subtitles, while auto-generated subtitles won’t work.

As soon as YouTube fix this, hopefully in next update, it will start working in LingQ Imported too.


If this is the case, can we modify the lingq extension to just download the video and at least for now ignore the subtitles? The subtitles can easily be acquired from youtube.


it works again! thank you :))

You should be able to import from YouTube normally now, including auto-generated subtitles.

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Yes. I have tried to import some videos and it is working perfectly. Thank you so much for your great support. We really appreciate it. :slight_smile:

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I am having this problem as well. I have tried to import a video with auto generated subtitles and I get the same error message. Any suggestions?


Experiencing this issue again.

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