
I was wandering when will Hungarian will be available on LingQ ?

When a thousand people vote for it.

Although they should be voting for Modern Greek, sorry.

@MADARA - You can vote for the next beta language by going here:

@djvlbass: the poll in its current version is not a fight among languages. It is not the most voted language that wins, so it does make sense to vote for more than one language. I have voted for dozens of languages (mostly languages I plan on learning sooner or later, but also languages other people would like to learn), including Hungarian and odern Greek.

By the way, Hungarian has already 196 votes, and Modern Greek 292, so they could be added relatively fast if you lead a good campaign. :slight_smile: Right now I am actively campaigning for Catalan. Let’s see how long it will take…

I didn’t want to make it look like a fight, I was just joking :slight_smile:

I’m going to refrain from leading a campaign, since I know if Modern Greek gets added it will distract my from my French. Good luck with Catalan.

A bigger issue for me is the lack of interest in these new languages. Check out Romanian. I am not that happy to be that far in the lead in the activity score. I have also put most of the content into the library, most of which I had to pay for at eLance. If I had not been going to Romania in June we would have precious little in the Library.

Activity Score
1.steve 8454
2.mikebond 698
3.tmclernon 692
4.Matt92 182
5.alleray 19
6.andres555 6
7.kimsdc 2
8.Axel_V 2


Your list does not reflect all the people who are studying Romanian and their scores.

@djvlbass: I understand. Good luck with French. :slight_smile:

@steve: it is not my fault if LingQ is unable to attract members. While campaigning for Romanian, I talked about LingQ to hundreds of people, yet few of them joined and those who did, are not using it. You should improve your marketing strategy and make the site far more userfriendly. Some days ago, a new user wanting to learn Italian asked about the meaning of a “Cuore” lesson. She had no idea how LingQ works and she was just brave enough to say it, instead of forgetting about it, as most newbies do.

I wanted to have Romanian added and I AM studying it. I am just not so maniac about creating thousands of LingQs or marking them as known. If, additionally, Romanian is useful to you and other members, I wonder why you keep complaining about it instead of thanking me for spending hours over hours to gather votes for it!

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You are right, sorry. If I include everyone, the list is a little longer.


I am glad to have Romanian, and would gladly add ten other languages, because that interests me personally. However, from the point of view of what is in the interest of developing LingQ in order to attract more users, adding relatively minor languages is a distraction and of little benefit to most users, sadly.

As to being a “maniac” about creating LingQs, that is a question of learning style. Also I don’t indivudally mark words as known, I just click on the button at the bottom to signal that I have completed the lesson and all other words in the lesson are known. That way I can search for imported articles in My Lessons by the largest number of blue unknown words, since I import articles in batches.

I think creating a lot of LingQs is very effective. In five weeks I have gone from scratch to where I understand without difficulty news articles on the Radio Romania website, i.e. almost no unknown words, when I read them. I understand most of what I hear when I listen to the podcasts. I can carry on conversations on Romanian politics with my tutors, albeit with mistakes. So as a learning system I very much recommend being “maniacal” about LingQing.

I have now started reading and listening to “Ultima noapte de dragoste, intaia noapte de razboi” by Camil Petrescu. Unfortunately the text is in PDF and I have not figured out how to import it into LingQ. Does anyone know?

And as I said, most of the content in the Library has come from me. Had I not been keen on Romanian we would have nothing. What will happen with the next Beta language? I appreciate your work in promoting LingQ and promoting Romanian. I am just being realistic. As I said, if it were up to me we would add Greek, Hungarian, Catalan, Indonesian, Thai, and even Cree. However, I have a tough time persuading anyone else here, and I see their point.

Were the people who voted for Romanian interested in STUDYING Romanian, or were they Romanian speakers interested in promoting their language? I suppose there is no way to know that…(I’m not on Facebook). But of course, that would make a difference on whether they came to LingQ and studied Romanian.

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Mike, I have thought some more about this question.

In fact I have derived tremendous pleasure from learning Romanian these past weeks. I owe you a debt of gratitude. If Hungarian, Catalan and Greek are added, that is if they reach 1000 votes, I will study them. I will also do what I can to find or create content for those languages. So I wish you the best of luck in promoting more beta languages for LingQ. And of course I hope we get more people studying these languages and more members at LingQ.

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@steve regarding “Unfortunately the text is in PDF and I have not figured out how to import it into LingQ. Does anyone know?”

I’ll first ask the obvious… which you probably have tried. Did you try opening it in Adobe Reader, selecting all text, and copying it to the clipboard?

Secondly, a quick google search for “pdf to text” yielded some promising online services (free)

Not sure how well this will handle unicode (if at all)

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Thanks Shaun. I tried your conversion site and one other

All I got was blank pages.

I found a PDF doc version of the book on the Internet. When I imported the text to LingQ those Romanian letters which had diacritics disappeared. I have tried copying the text, with diacritics, first to text editor and Google documents. The letters with diacritics still disappear. I wonder if anyone has any suggestions.

Steve, I use ABBYY Fine Reader to convert pdf files with diacritics. It usually works fine.

What version did you buy? Professional or PDF converter or what?

In terms of converting pdf files into html files, I use pdf2htmlEX (GitHub - coolwanglu/pdf2htmlEX: Convert PDF to HTML without losing text or format.) and it works pretty well on the languages I’ve tried. Well, the only disadvantage is that you have to work on terminal and you need to use macport to install on your Mac. It’s a little bit geeky I know if you don’t mind :wink: But the developer also offers a web interface, you can try it out if you’re interested in (UploadDemo · coolwanglu/pdf2htmlEX Wiki · GitHub).


I tried the web interface and followed instructions but cannot find my document when I go to view it. Maybe I have to wait.

I tried to upload a Romanian pdf file generated from the Wikipedia webpage, and it looks fine. I checked the website again, and I noticed that you have to go to the public folder (File sharing and storage made simple) to find out your file. Honestly, as stated on the webpage, you can neither remove it nor download the HTML file produced. It doesn’t seem to be the ticket for you. Also, finding the right uploaded file is also tricky since there are so many pdf files have been loaded. I sorted by the date descendingly and found the one I just uploaded.

I also tried to convert the same pdf file on my local Linux computer, and it worked also fine. If you can ask someone to help you installing the script through macport, the only thing you have to do left is only to type the command:

pdf2htmlEX finename.pdf

and a filename.html will be generated in the same folder. Or, probably you’ll need some other solutions. :wink:

I just uploaded the file again and went to the public folder and it is not there. The files are listed there by date, but mine is not there. I wonder if I did something wrong. Thanks for your help.