How to turn off AI suggestions?

how do you turn off the AI suggestions that now auto populate in suggested translations? They don’t populate right away so sometimes I want to click on first option only to accidentally click on AI suggestion that has come up right before I clicked and they also do not cpatire the nuance of languages, only offering the ‘default’ translations. I’ve even changed my default source from chatgpt to deepl but still getting AI suggestions popping up every time. I use chatgpt on the side to supplement things but don’t want AI touching anything my suggested translations of LingQ. I’m guessing this just started with must recent version since I don’t see any help topics on this yet.


even just having the loading message be the same height as the result would be a huge improvement


This is causing serious usability issues now due to having to constantly open the full window to select translation. Without AI the hit rate for first two was pretty high, now it’s horrendous. Spending more time selecting translations for LingQs than paying attention to lesson.


It’s awful.
Please give the option to turn them off ASAP, or better yet, just remove this “feature” entirely.


Thanks for your feedbacks everyone, we are looking into improving the feature.


At minimum can it be made that it doesn’t pop up the first two suggestions only to then populate the AI suggestion afterwards? It requires a pause now to select translation or risk selecting an option you don’t want that could even be in correct. I have seen AI be way off or try to put meaning of word in context in way it’s only used very sparingly. For Spanish that I’m fairly advanced in it’s not as big a deal but in Portuguese that I’m still learning, it could do this and I wouldn’t know it’s incorrect.


Please tell me it will be updated soon. I keep having to pause lessons just to keep up with making LingQs now. Things like importing lessons to read text while listening on another device are impossible now since you have to constantly pull down the entire translation window and lose your place.


We should be given the option to turn the feature off, at least until it’s fully functional. We should not all be forced to beta test it.


I really want the ability to turn this off, for several reasons:

  1. It runs slowly so the definitions pop in after a second and cause me to mis-tap (this happens almost every single time because I have muscle memory around tapping when the pop up appears)

  2. It often is identical to the first “real” result, meaning two rows are dedicated to the same option, reducing the total number of displayed options which would otherwise contain an extra actual different choice

  3. Even if it were a perfect translation every time, it’s irrelevant because it doesn’t contain supplementary information such as noun gender, or pronouns to indicate verb conjugation, which I always like to have. This means I never choose the AI option so it’s pointless to have it taking up time and space.


This AI gimmick makes the user experience so cumbersome. It’s definitely a downgrade and as a result, I’m not LingQ as much as I used to. Please sort this problem out ASAP. Forcing your paying customers to beta-test this without the option to switch it off is frustrating.


Anecdotical, but fresh experience from Italian > Czech course: approx. 60-70% of AI suggestions were wrong. Please turn off the feature before it improves.


The android app seems to have a setting for this now. Not sure about the others.

Lesson Settings>Show Contextual Meanings


I see it on iOS as well, thanks for the very quick fix!


This is the way to turn the AI translations off in the settings


These AI suggestions are always first. Since they are very often wrong, can you at least stop making them first?

It means that every single time you look up a word, you have to skip the first definition you see. That is tedious. Please change it.

Finally able to turn off on iOS after multiple times. The Android version worked as soon as turning off contextual clues was available. On Apple devices though, had to turn setting off and on, on main device numerous times but it’s finally actually worked.

Can the setting be added to main setting page on iOS like on Android though?

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All you people, what’s stopping you from simply ignoring the AI ​​suggestions if you don’t like them?

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What does you stop from reading the thread? Several people have explicitly explained why they would like this feature to be optional.


I have read the thread, But I find the arguments put forward questionable.
OK. It requires a pause to select a translation: So what?
You risk selecting an option you don’t want: You can “un-LinkQ” the selected option at any time and replace it with one that you prefer.
It runs slowly? Not in my experience.
User opinions are also often wrong, sometimes complete nonsense. It’s better to check in a dictionary anyway, just in case.


Because people want instant feedback when they are lingqing as much as possible. To me this helps you with input when it is nigh instantaneous versus waiting on the AI.