How to repair streak?

@techytommy Your streak is alive and active. All good!

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Hi @zoran lost my streak yesterday. And when i tried to repair it with coins it told me that this streak had not been broken but it shows i have a 1 day streak now and i couldnā€™t repair it. Can you fix it?

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Hi @nataliekoehn, I fixed your streak, should show 134 days. Thanks

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Hello @zoran, I am having a problem with streak repair. Yesterday 04/08/24, I missed my normal study time, and lost my streak. Right now its 9:09PM local time and the ā€œRepair Streakā€ link on my stats just disappeared. My understanding is that I should have until midnight local time to accumulate enough coins to still repair my streak? It seems that as I passed over 9:00PM this ā€œRepair Streakā€ option disappeared, even though I have West Coast Pacific time set in my profile. Thanks

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Hi @namwenwerd Upon reaching your daily goal and gaining a one-day streak, the repair streak button ceases to appear because your streak is deemed unbroken. This process requires you to initially decide whether youā€™re repairing your existing streak or beginning a new count. By skipping the repair phase and commencing with a fresh slate, you earn a one-day streak. If youā€™re short on coins but are nearing the 5000 coins threshold, you can indeed earn a few more to repair your streak, however, itā€™s important to note that this must be done before reaching a new streak.
Anyway, combined your two streaks, so your streak is alive for 60 days. Thanks

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If you are happy to , please repair my 400+ day streak on French, lost accidentally a week ago. Iā€™ve never seen the streak-repair pop-up as I use the website so I can use shortcuts (which would be great on the main app).

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Hi @bbbblinq, fixed your streak, would show 573 days. Thanks

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Hello. It will be very kind of you if you could repair my streak as well.

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@DrIkon I fixed your streak.

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So wonderful of you. Thank you so much.


Can you repair my streak as well for Ukrainian?

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Hi @strana. Your streak was repaired, would show 795 days. Thanks

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Hello, I lost my streak for 400+ days due to a sync issue on my Android app. I would be very grateful if it could be restored to me, as it is very demotivating to lose it due to a technical issue. I appreciate any help you can provide!

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@drimer I canā€™t fix your streak on my end, but Iā€™ll ask our developers to do that for you. Will be taken care of, please continue working on your streak as usual.

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Hi @zoran, I have 5000 coins and cant fix my streak. Please can you fix my streak ?
Thank you,

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@namwenwerd Sure, fixed.

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Could you please also repair my streaks for Polish and Spanish?

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@Esperal Sure, I fixed both streaks.

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Hello @zoran, could you repair my german strike please? I havenā€™t received the repair pop-up. Thank you in advance

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@tipgr Sure thing, fixed.

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