High LingQ Word Counts

What are the highest word counts you’ve seen on LingQ?

Kristiansand has close to 120 000 in Spanish I think that is the most hightest word counts that I have seen overall. Also if I remember correctly there was a Lingq member by the name of Gingko who had 100 000 in German at one point for some reason he reset his stats for German at some point.

Wow! I knew about Gingko, but I have never heard of the Englishman with Norwegian.

I looked up his stats I was wrong it was Spanish and it was closer to 120 000. I was editing my first post on this tread when you posted your’s.

I think that on if you look at all the languages normally the lingqers with highest word counts have reached somewhere around 60 000 to 70 000 maybe even closer to 80 000. To be honest I don’t follow other peoples word counts so I might be wrong.

There is a guy named Sam White with 120,000 on Russian. Who is the guy with Spanish? It seems like 120,000 is the number to beat.

His lingq name is Kristiansand.

Ok, thank you

For Chinese, Steve from Taiwan is 39000+ If memory serves me correctly, crazy numbers, not sure if anyone has topped that.

It’s a very individual matter, you can’t really compare your numbers with others. Some people add words like “etc”, “EU”, “HIV”, “Michael”, “Exeter”, some ignore them. If you add in English all words like “where’re”, “Michael’s” you may really boost your numbers:) I think this applies to all languages.

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The number of such words is less than 10%, they do not play any dramatical role.


Yes, probably not more.

For me, once a user goes over 9999, I am impressed… So I am easily impressed. :slight_smile:

I’d like to see some analyses of aggregated LingQ user data. I think some really interesting studies could be done

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I ignore such words, and probably a lot of people do. As Ress says they don’t affect the statistics much. Rather it is different forms of related or similar words that inflate the statistics, I think.

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definitely different for each language. Japanese doesn’t count each different version/ending of a word: only the stems whereas Korean counts every different word (with every different particle) as new. my 2000 in Korean doesn’t seem nearly as much as when I hit 2000 in Japanese.

Sure. Consider Russian with which you’re familiar. On a similar thread a while back we figured there are ~80 words you can form from one regular verb if you know all the grammar. That counts all forms of declension of all the participles, and Lingq counts them each as one word. (I doubt that in my reading I’ve actually encountered all possible forms of any single verb, but still…)

  1. Are you tempted to just stop now?

3333 - Demolitionator in Chinese
33333 - khardy in Russian

I just had to find 7 more known words before quitting for the night when I noticed I was at 33,326. Just for the karma, you know. Now I’m off to read a little and ruin that. ;->

You’ve broken it :wink:

Still got mine