I am setting up this topic for all mistakes I can find in the ministories for Georgian instead of opening a new topic for each ministory. Maybe others with better Georgian knowledge than me can also assist
I would like to ask to have two small mistakes fixed in ministory 16:
First sentence: แแแแ แแฎแแแ แกแแแกแแฎแฃแ แ แฃแแแ.
In ministory 4, แกแฌแแแแแแแ is incorrectly pronounced twice in the final paragraph (7th, meshvide). The first time the โ-benโ ending is dropped, while the second time an entirely different word is used.
Question 5 โ แแแฎแฃแแ: แแแก แกแแฃแแแแแกแ แแแแแแแ แก แแแแแ แฐแฅแแแ โ no enclitic แ for แแแแ here. (Sentences 1 and 3 in question 5)
Question 6 โ แแแแฅแแกแ: แแแแแ แฃแงแแแ แก โ should be แแแแแก แฃแงแแแ แก. The same goes for the next sentence: แฃแงแแแ แก แแแแแก โฆ
Question 7โ แแแจแแแแ โ again no enclitic แ for แแแแ here. (sentences 1 and 3).
That is an interesting point. If I play this part very slowly (speed 0.5 or 0.6) I believe, I hear the correct form (แกแฌแแแแแแแ) as written.
However, throughout the ministories I have listend to so far, I had the impression, that sometimes endings seem to be omitted or hard to understand as he speaks rather fast and endings are ยปswallowed upยซ. Therefore, I cannot hear the ending as it is written and can only ยปdecipherยซ it when playing the audio very slowly.
I agree, I think these are all small mistakes. Good catches!
I am not sure about the endings being somewhat swallowed up though in the audio. Even when I listen slowly, I donโt think they are being pronounced at all (they are just dropped).
I have listened to ministory 30 yesterday and today. I am not entirely sure why, but Iโm having a hard time understanding the speaker in this ministory. He seems to ยปswallowยซ/omit more endings than usual, even when I am playing the audio slowlier than the average speed.
Ministory 32 โ first question, first sentence โ a space character is missing here: แแแแแแชแแแแแแแ โ it should be written: แแแแแ แชแแแแแแแ
Ministory 34 โ second question, third sentence: แแแ แฃแแแ แแแ แฉแแแแ แแแแ แ แแกแขแแ แแแจแ แฌแแกแฃแแแงแแแแ. Another space character is missing. Here between แแแ แฉแแแ and แ แแแแ
Ministory 36 โ third question, first sentence: แก is missing after แ แแแแ: แ แแแแแก แฐแงแแแแ แซแแแช แแ แแแช.
Ministory 42 โ question 8, first and last sentence: แ แแแแแแชแงแแแแแแ should be แ แแแแแแช แงแแแแแแ, thus just the space character is missing.
Havenโt been doing anything for a while here. I just checked ministories 36 and 42. It would be great, if you can fix the small mistakes reported in September. Thanks a lot
Please fix a small error in the Georgian version of the course ยปLingQ 101 - Getting Startedยซ, part 9 about friends, i.e. แแแแแแ แแแ.