Free access for Ukrainians

hello, im proud to be Ukrainian. can i get Premium please?

Hello, thank you for supporting Ukrainians! :heart: I wish prosperity to your business and peace to your families :pray:
I’m from Kharkiv, Ukraine. May I get free access to English and Chinese, please?

@zoran Hello Zoran. My name is Dima. I am from Ukraine and I have been learning German for more than one year. I would really like to get premium access to improve my knowledge. Thank you in advance!

Hello, you are all Premium users now.

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Hello, thank you for providing Ukrainians with the opportunity to learn English, I am from Ukraine and I have been learning English for more than 5 years. I love learning English, so I wish I could get a lifetime premium membership in English, I am not going to learn other languages because of limited energy.thanks so much!

Hi! I’m Ukrainian from Kyiv. Could I get a premium?

@DelFlumen @KuzmaSavchenko You are Premium users now.

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Hi :upside_down_face:I im Ukrainian from Dnipro,Ukraine.

Can I get premium access to your platform?

Hi! I’m from Kyiv, Ukraine. Can I get Premium?

@dmitroleusenko @andreyveremenkov You are both Premium users now.

Hi Zoran @zoran ! Why do I not have Premium access in the application, and in the browser? I need Premium access to the app.

Hello @zoran ! I`m from Kyiv Ukraine, and I would like learn english in your app. Can you help me and get me premium, please. Thank you for suporting us.

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Hi @metriukvitalik, your account was upgraded to premium, enjoy

Добрий день. Я з України з Бердянська, зараз знаходжусь в Кракові. Намагаюсь вивчити польську мову. Спробував LingQ-сподобалось. Побачив що для Українців є можливість підключення к преміум безкоштовно.
Якщо пропозиція дійсна можете мене підключити к преміум?

Hi, thank you a lot for your support! I am from Ukraine, Kyiv may I ask you about premium? I will be so grateful!

Have a nice day :slight_smile:

Hello Zoran! I am a Ukrainian too, could you please help me with premium upgrade as well? Thank you so much!

@Serg81 @tanyame @amartsev71 You are all Premium users now.

@zoran why are my messages being deleted? i would like premium please if possible as i am half ukrainian

I’ve found the information about premium for ukrainians for free. Could i get free access for learning Norwegian please?
Thanks in advance.

It’s perfectly fine for Ukrainians to have free access to the premium version.
But how do you at LingQ determine whether the person who claims to be a Ukrainian and therefore wants LingQ for free is really a Ukrainian?